Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 6 November update

Primary 6 have had a busy November, we have welcomed back Mrs Speirs and she will be teaching our class on a Thursday and Friday. We are all really excited to have her but sad to see Miss Gallagher leave but wish her good luck in her new school.

This month we have been focusing on Scottish castles, we have been in groups and have been researching a different castle each and have been learning about the history of each and why it is important. We will be presenting short group talks on these to the rest of the class.

In literacy we have been working really hard on our novels Tribes and Kensuke’s Kingdom. We have been using the comprehension strategies to help us gain a better understanding of these and we are really enjoying the storylines of both books.

In Maths we have been focusing on mental and written addition and subtraction. We have been trying out different strategies and using these to solve a variety of problems. With Mrs Speirs we have also finished measurement and moved on to learning a little about coordinates, these are really fun.

As it is the month of the Holy souls, we have focused on remembering those who are no longer with us and praying for them. Along with this we have learned about the lives of some of the saints and have been creating our own power points about a saint that is important to us. We especially loved learning about Maximillian Kolbe, be sure to ask us all about this special mans life as it is very interesting!

We are looking forward to December for lots of fun Christmas activities and learning some traditional Scottish dances for our parties!

Primary 6 September update

We have now well and truly settled back into our school routine and we are enjoying being in the senior section of the school.

Our class in Harry Potter themed this year and in line with this as our model study novel we have been reading Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. We have been working together to fully understand this novel and developing our knowledge of the comprehension strategies. We have also been focusing on spelling strategies weekly and will continue to do so for the rest of the school year.

In writing we have successfully submitted our vice-captain applications to Mrs Harley where she picked a few of us to go through to the final round of speeches! From there, we have been linking our taught writing to our STEM lessons such as producing an information report on adaptation and biodiversity.
In Maths Mrs Anderson has been focusing on number and place value to make sure we fully understand the link between a digit and its place. We will be extending this knowledge to include decimals in the coming weeks.  Miss Gallagher had been focusing on measuring the perimeter of 2D shapes as well as calculating the area of these shapes.
In RE we have been looking at other world religions in the form of Islam and have compared it to our own religion. We have also learned about Moses and will now be focusing on Mary as it is the month of the Holy Rosary.
For our IDL topic this term, we have focused in on Harry Potter and how the film and books were developed this is leading us on to a media study where we will look at how films are developed leading us on to creating our own short films later in the term.
We have lots to look forward to in the coming months!

Primary 6 February Update

Welcome to our February update, we have had another very busy quick month due to our long weekend. Here are some things we have been up to in Primary 6 this month.


We have been working hard in maths on money. We have been using our 4 calculations to work out profit and loss, bills, totals, change and even working on budgets.  We now are aware of the importance of wants and needs when we are planning our budgets and how important this will be for our future life skills. We will be moving on to measurement next which we are all very excited about.


We have continued to apply our spelling strategies to help us learn our spelling words each week. We have continued with our new novels, applying our reading strategies to gain a greater understanding of the plot, characters and setting. One group is reading Santa Maria by Kenneth Steven and the other group is reading The Eleventh Orphan by Joan Lingard. So far both groups are really enjoying their new novels. We have really enjoyed our instructional writing this month and if you go to twitter you will see pictures of what we have been making.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been working on peer pressure and what effect it can have on our mental health. We are now aware of the importance of good friendships and how others can have good but also bad influences on you. In the month of March we are going to be looking at substance misuse.


We are now looking at Space and focusing on The Solar System. We have already investigated the position and size of each planet. We are now looking at the craters of the moon and the chemicals that help make up each planet.


We learned all about Saint Valentines and gained a deeper understanding of Other World Religions looking particularly at Islam. As we now move into March we are going to be learning all about Lent.


As you can see from Twitter we have been very busy making our cabins at home as part of our home project. We have had the whole school coming up looking at our display and the children all really enjoyed making them. Thank you very much too any parents/ guardians who helped with this home project. We have been really enjoying learning about the disaster that changed the shipping world and how this happened. We have recreated our own boarding passes and even painted our very own portal art which you can see on Twitter.

Primary 6 January Update Post

Welcome to the first post of the year from Primary 6. Wow what a busy January we have had and we cannot wait to tell you all about it. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and are ready to enjoy term 3 with us all. We only have 9 weeks left now till the Easter holidays and have so much to fit in. This term we are lucky to have Miss Carr join our class for the next 6 weeks and we cannot wait to see what she has planned for us.

Maths and Numeracy

We have continued on with Division since more reinforcement was needed. This week we will start on our new maths topic Money. We have already planned a lot of active maths games to help us gain a better understand and link this in with four key operations of maths (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).    


We have now all finished our group novels in class and will be starting our new novels this week in class. We have also started to read a class novel called Survivor Titanic by Stephen Davies. So far we are already on Chapter 4 and we want to read more. This novel is a success as this relates to our new topic Titanic. We have been doing great with our spelling, exploring different spelling rules, and developing our skills in applying our spelling strategies. In story writing we are now working on Instructional Writing, now we are in Primary 6 we will need to go into more detail and make sure we are using our checklist properly. Next week we are starting off with making Empire Biscuits and then the following week we are getting to make Fairy Bread.  


This week if First Friday mass, unfortunately we will not be able to attend however we will be watching this online in the classroom. We really enjoyed learning all about the Epiphany and investigating Missio. We have investigated world missionary organisations and discusses the poor people of the world. We are now moving on next week to Other World Religions.   


Our new topic this term is Titanic. We have already looking into what we know and what we would like to investigate within the topic. So far we have investigated on the journey she took and the stops she made before the disaster. We have researched first, second and third class cabins and compared them. We are now looking into the company who build Titanic and how she became the most talked about ship ever.   


Our new Science topic is Space, particularly we will be looking at the Solar System. So far we have looked at each planet and how close they are to the sun. We have investigated each planet and now researching the size and functions of each planet. We cannot wait to create our own PowerPoints about this. We have finally managed to do our experiment ‘Rain Cloud in a Jar’ which we all loved and got amazing results from (check twitter for the pictures).     

Health and Wellbeing

During Health and Wellbeing we have been looking at food labels and identifying which foods are healthier than others. We have investigated food packaging which highlight the traffic light system to help guide the consumer. We have also created our own labels down in ICT. During PE this term we have started Badminton and slowly working on our serve.  


Thank you for taking the time to read what we have been up to in the month of January. We are looking forward to sharing more pictures on twitter of our work so please remember to have a wee look.

From Mrs Speirs and Primary 6

Primary 6 November Update

Welcome to our Primary 6 November update. We have had a very busy month in our class. We would like to share what we have been doing with you all.

Maths – We have now been looking at multiplication and division. We all need to keep practicing our times tables but we are slowly starting to understand the process. We are really good with our multiplication and division of 10, 100 and 1000. After working hard on our maths strategies we have now developed a link between them both. We have been doing a range of active maths activities to deepen our understanding of problem solving.    

Literacy – We have now started our new novels and both groups are really enjoying them. The Dark Isle is a terrifying, touching and funny novel. It is fast paced that takes you on an exciting magical journey into a new world. Saving Finnegan is about an island in Scotland, and how a small island community is divided over what course of action to take about a stranded whale. This is a powerful and hugely enjoyable novel. We have all been working hard on our weekly spelling words and this is shown in our Friday spelling test results. 

RE – We have now completed Primary 6 God’s Loving Plan. All children acted in a mature responsible way and are now aware of the physical and emotional changes that will take place. We learned about St Margaret of Scotland on her feast day. We are now concentrating on St Andrew. We have learned all about his life and why he is the patron saint of Scotland. We enjoy celebrating St Andrew’s Day by drinking sugar free Iron – Brew and eating short bread, we also learned how to do the Scottish Fling dance. 

Science/ Topic – We have been successful learners by making our own flying helicopters and investing how air resistance has an effect on how they fly. We had lots of fun throwing them off the top floor and timing each one we made. Interestingly, our investigation showed the smaller helicopter was faster than the larger one. In December we are going to be making our own parachutes so look out for the pictures on twitter. We have been exploring capital cities and what makes them capital cities. A few we already knew about but others have really surprised us.   

H&W/ Emotion Works – We have been working hard in PE with Dodge ball and team games. Fitness has kept us warm outside with the weather. We have been practising our passing skills and learning the importance of a team. During Anti- Bullying week, we explored how to be a good friend and acted out different bulling scenarios.  

Expressive Arts – We created a lovely poppy day display and learned the importance of 11th November and why it is called Remembrance Day. We know how to be safe in Primary 6 after having a visit from the Strathclyde Fire department. We learned all about fireworks and bonfire safety when it was Guy Fawkes. We learned the story of Guy Fawkes and created our own firework pictures using oil pastels and black card. We have started to make Christmas stocking to display in the school for Christmas.  

Thank you for reading what we have been up to. We cannot wait till next month when we can update you all with our Christmas activities and show you all pictures of our decorated class this year. Pictures are always on Twitter so please have a look. 

God Bless From Primary 6 and Mrs Speirs 

Primary 6 Update

Welcome, Primary 6 have had a very busy few months since returning back to school in August. We would like to share what we have been doing with you all. 

Maths – We started off with revision, after the year we have all had we needed to remember the foundations of maths. So far we have covered place value, addition, subtraction, fractions decimals and percentages (which will be getting covered again in term 2). Number Talks have really helped our mental agility and helped with our number bonds and doubles for our sums. We are now looking at multiplication and division before moving on to co-ordinates and symmetry. We had lots of fun for Halloween making 3D pumpkins and Halloween sum pictures. Mrs Speirs has planned lots of fun Christmas maths actives for us so we are really excited about this.  

Literacy- We started off this term by all reading the same novel called Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This is called a model text so Mrs Speirs could demonstrate all the reading strategies to us and help us understand the novel/ author better. We really enjoyed this novel as we got to find out about the different countries and the history of Kensuke. There was lots of cliff hangers that kept us wanting to read more. After the October holidays we have been put into groups. The Yellow group is reading Dark Isle by DA Nelson and the red group is reading Saving Finnegan by Sally Grindley. This time we have the novels home with us to read which is helping our fluency and expression. We all still love story writing and so far we have enjoyed recount, persuasive, imaginative and now instructional. We are learning to add in more details to our story and new interesting vocabulary to make sure the reader stays engaged in our stories.   

RE – We started off by looking into the Feast of the Assumption which we celebrated back in August. We have created a wonderful RE wall and Alter in our classroom. We have been exploring the Bible in more detail and looking into Jesus first miracle. We explored the importance of Mary as a mother figure and the impact she had on Jesus. We compared Mary as the mother of Jesus and the qualities and skills she had as a mother comparing her to our own mother. We have been lucky enough to take part in our class First Friday Mass. We all loved being back in chapel to celebrate as a class and the Holy Family parishioners. The month of October being the Holy Rosary, the children have learned to pray the Rosary and have visited Holy Family Church to pray in the garden. We have been learning about All Saints Day and creating our own November List for our class. 

Topic/ Science – Our topic this term has been Oceans and Continents which has also been incorporated with climate change and COP26. We have been learning how many there are, the names of countries that are in each continent, the climate, economy, tourist attractions and culture. We have been taking a closer look at how we can help look after these continents and Oceans and how we can cut back on pollution. Having COP26 take place in Glasgow has made us very aware of the problems we face in this world and how change needs to happen and how we can make this change happen. We have been very active in this and even managed to make our own Rain Gauge. We were very shocked at how much rain we collected in such a short space of time.   

Expressive Arts – We love Art in this class and we really enjoy experimenting with different materials to create different pieces of Art. We have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh and his love for oil pastels and water colours. We even managed to recreate his famous water colour painting called Sunflowers. We enjoy mixing the paint with the water and creating different colours. We created lots of topic art included pollution posters. We also created Halloween bats and Autumn wreaths and we even collected our own leaves from the park. We have beautiful firework chalk drawings this week and we all cannot wait until we can start with our Christmas activities. 

Emotion Works/ Heath and Welbeing – We have been working hard on dealing with our emotions and talking about how we feel. There has been so much happen to us all over the past year we feel it’s better to talk and draw about how we are feeling. We have been trying out meditation in class, we found this hard to begin with as staying still and switching off was hard but now finding this a lot easier and receiving the benefits from this. We have been acting out different emotions our bodies go through and are aware that a lot can happen to us in Primary 6.  God’s loving plan will start on the 8th November for the Primary 6. 

We are all becoming Responsible Citizens, Successful Learner, Effective Contributors and Confident Individuals in Primary 6. We cannot wait to show you what else we have planned for the rest of the term and for term 2. We have really enjoyed being back at school now as things slowly start to get back to some sort of normal. Thank you for reading what we have been up to,

 From Primary 6 and Mrs Speirs 

Primary 6 Reflective Friday

Well here we are again, what a busy month we have had in Primary 6. We have been so busy with our Christmas party, Christmas Jumper Day and watching our Pantomime. We are all really looking forward to Santa coming but first we would like to share what we have been up to in class with Miss Verrecchia

This month our story  writing has been Christmas themed . We have really enjoyed the story starters Miss Verrecchia has been given us. ‘A Special Snowman’ was a story about a griping tale of a snowman that came to life on Christmas Eve.

This maths we have been working on division and we have been learning how to do division mentally. This month we have also been focusing on data handling. We know what a bar graph and a pie chart are. We have been working very hard on these topics this month.

December is the feast of the Immaculate Conception which we enjoyed learning about. We  also reminded ourselves of the importance of advent. We made our own advent wreath and learned about the significance of each candle.

Active schools have been coming with in on Tuesdays. Firstly we tried orienteering and also athletics. It has been really good fun having someone new take us and we have really enjoyed learning new skills (Map reading and more team work).

In our topic (China) we have been learning about lots of things. We now have a deeper understanding of Christmas in China and got to learn more about the Giant Panda and Mount Everest. We have also been learning about the history of China and how that has shaped the country today. We really enjoyed trying to write in Chinese, we even learned how to write Merry Christmas .

In P6 we have been doing lots of fun art, recently since its Christmas  we created a Grinch art with oil pastels.  We created a Christmas tree picture which is displayed in out hall .

Primary 6 and Miss Verrecchia  would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas.

Primary 6 Reflective Friday – October 2020

Welcome to our Reflective Friday post for the month of October. We seem to have lost our post, so here we are again.  We have been learning lots and having a great time in the lead up to our Halloween celebrations.


We have been looking at the area of persuasive writing with a focus of completing an essay on” Should we have school uniforms”. We looked at the importance of persuasive language and making sure we get our point of view over to the reader. We have continued our ongoing work on accurate spelling, grammar and presentation as well as working hard to improve our reading fluency. Our class novel The Tribe is now finished, we have loved this novel and we didn’t want it to end. Due to this we have all been given our reading groups. the three groups are now reading; The Hundred Mile An Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, and The Eleventh Orphan by Joan Lingard. We are all excited to be in our reading groups again and to get started these novels.


We have been reinforcing our understanding of place value and using this effectively in our estimation and rounding work. We worked hard with our Addition and Subtraction sums and are currently working on Multiplications. Every Wednesday we have a break and work on Data Handling which is a lot more hands on but are really enjoying this. Drawing the graphs with a ruler was challenging to begin with but getting there now.   In our ICT time we have also worked with Sumdog to increase our mental agility and enable us to explain our thinking in number talks.


In ICT we are learning how to join a teams meeting on Microsoft teams. This is really useful in case we need to self isolate but also it is a skill we will need in the world of work. We are making sure that everyone can send emails properly and Miss Verrecchia is setting our homework on the school website under the P6 class tab. That is where you will find your work if you are isolating too.


In RE we have been learning about St Mungo and discovering many interesting facts. October was also the month of Our Lady and we remembered her when we prayed the Rosary.


Our topic is Scottish Inventors and we have enjoyed learning about Alexander Fleming and  Alexander Graham Bell etc. We have now decided that we have come to an end with this topic and voted for our new mini topic that will take us up to Christmas. We took a vote in class and decided our new mini topic would be “China”. We are so excited to find out about the culture, language, food, traditions, and other interesting facts.


We have been enjoying outdoor PE  with a focus on Badminton and moving on to Ball skills . This has involved a lot of hand and eye coordination and focus, which can be challenging at times. We are still exploring the emotion works wheel and talking about friendships and our own personal qualities. We looked at food labels and the effects healthy and unhealthy food has on our bodies. At the end of November we will be looking at Gods Loving Plan and working our way through the P6 programme.

We have really enjoyed October in class and hoping that we continue to grow, develop, continue to learn and stay safe during these hard times. November has so much going on like Poppy Day, Book Day, DYWF and many more. Hope you enjoyed reading about our wonderful adventures of Primary 6.

Primary 6 Reflective Friday

Welcome to Primary 6 and our first Reflective Friday post. We are all excited and happy to be back at school even thou it is different to what we remember. Since we have come back we had to learn about our new rules and routines, it was hard trying to remember our one way systems, our Zones and bubbles but after a few days we got there. First Friday Mass has been different for us as we are unable to go, however due to technology we have been lucky to watch it live in our classroom which makes us still feel included.

We have been talking about our emotions and feels a lot since we have come back to school and emotion works have helped us understand these emotions. During class we have been working on our class novel The Queens Nose which we all enjoyed. Our new novel is called Tribe by Catherine MacPhail which we started this week in class. We are already gripped by the new novel and enjoying the main themes it already covers. In Maths we have already covered Place Value, Rounding and estimating and currently on Addition/ Subtraction. Our mental agility is improving everyday as we work through our Number Talks. Our new Topic is Scottish Inventors and Inventions which we are really enjoying, especially how Scotland has helped create and shape the world we living today and how the inventions was created so long ago but we still use them today. We did have suggestions about creating our own from new games, flying boards to even finding a vaccine for Covid- 19. Primary 6 also started Science last week which takes a deeper look into our Solar System, which have been researching facts and information about each planet including our own planet Earth. We have still managed to do Art in class and looking at various artists including Vincent Van Gogh. We are looking at how he used his emotions through colours to create his paintings, which even inspired us to use happy colours to create our own replica painting of Sunflowers.

Primary 6 still all had the chance to write application forms for Vice captains for each house, everyone took part in this and a few where selected by Mrs Willison. On Thursday the 10th Sep P4-7 got a chance to watch our campaign videos and vote for their vice-captain.

After the September weekend we have a lot more planned with ICT, PE, Spanish and Heath and Wellbeing. Miss Verrecchia is going to try and included as much as possible in our timetable to make sure we are slowly getting back to the new normal. We are all still excited for this year and to make Primary 6 the best year yet.

Thank you from all of Primary 6.