We had a very busy month in Primary 2. We finished October by learning about Halloween. We enjoyed reading Halloween stories such as ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘Funny Bones’. We also had Halloween purposeful play where we completed lots of spooky challenges such as building a Lego haunted house.
In Literacy, we have continued to learn new common words and sounds. We have been practising our reading and have learned how to complete lots of associated tasks. Mrs Simpson loves when we practise our reading books every night as this help us to develop our fluency and accuracy. In November we read the story ‘Sneezy the Snowman’. We wrote our own stories about Sneezy, designed some new clothes for him, then made our own Sneezy the Snowman biscuits.
In Maths, we finished working on numbers to 100 and began to focus on addition within 20. It helps us to explore new strategies using a variety of resources such as ten frames, cubes and pegs on hangers.
In R.E. we have been learning about the story of the very first Christmas. We enjoyed showing what we have learned as narrators in our infant Nativity show ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. We hope that you enjoyed our performance as much as we did. We have also learned about Advent and how special this time is. We made Advent promises and learned about the Advent wreath.
During P.E this month we have spent time learning dance with a focus on social dancing. We enjoyed learning the ‘Grand Old Duke of York’ and ‘The Hokey Cokey’ among other dances, and can’t wait to show off our new skills at our Christmas party.
This month we learned about St. Andrew, our patron saint. We made beautiful stained glass window pictures to celebrate his special day.
We loved ‘Book Week Scotland’ in Holy Family. It was fun bringing our teddies and books to school and we enjoyed the variety of activities we participated in. We particularly enjoyed visiting the library and our friends in P5/6 so they could read to us. Thank you Mrs Cook and P5/6!
In December our highlights so far have been our Christmas lunch and our trip to Motherwell Civic Centre to see Cinderella. Please see Twitter for all our photos.