All posts by Mrs Le Blond

Primary 6/7b May 2019

May has been another very busy month for 6/7b.

Health week was jam packed with activities . We kept very active, and made ourselves some sandwiches which we had at our whole school picnic. We took part in the Big Clean Up which saw us all clear up our local area. We were really shocked at the amount of glass in the park.

P7s have had their two day visit followed by the Smoothie Challenge from the maths department.

We had a great night at Hampden Park when we went to see Scotland V Jamaica. A 3-2 win for Scotland’s ladies before they head to the World Cup in France. Go Scotland!

In class we have been learning about negative numbers and doing some algebra. We also did some persuasive writing with Mrs Henry when we were learning more about alcohol and smoking. We had a class debate on the use of these substances.

Many of our pupils have been working hard in Jungle book show practice and we have been producing some great Jungle Book art.

P7s investigated the properties of substances with Cardinal Newman High School

P6s met their Buddies who are due to start school in August, they had great fun with them.

Reflective Friday March P6/7b

This has been a hectic month for P6/7b.

We have had fun whilst raising money on our Fridays in Lent so far. We have had our quiz, mad scientist/ crazy hair/odd shoe day, Pyjama and movie afternoon and today we have H-Factor, the school is buzzing!!

In maths, we have been furthering our learning in algebra and have been learning to identify, name and measure different types of angles.

In literacy, we have been continuing to use our reading strategies for comprehension and have written a persuasive letter to an engineer in the Leaders Award to promote our inventions. We have also made posters after taking part in a BBC live lesson called Blue Planet to try and warn people about the dangers of plastics in our seas. We are also now going to try to put commas in the right places.  🙂

We enjoyed science week doing a variety of experiments looking at physical and chemical changes.

The P7s took part in the Commonwealth games at Cardinal Newman with the Cluster Schools where we managed to gain the top number of points, a great effort by all.

We had a brilliant visit to Hampden Park with our friends from Mossend Primary which was a treat for us from Nil by Mouth, a huge thank you to everyone at the charity.

We had a chance to compare our work with P3/4 which was a very interesting experience for all of us, we were very impressed by P3/4’s jotter work!

We had a great day being engineers at the Forth Bridges where we built a structure which was 4.8 metres high, using individual tetrahedron shapes which we made individually then put together in groups. We were guided by a lady called Elaine Barrie who was a Civil Engineer and gave us some good advice on solving problems.

A big congratulations to Cathal and Katie for reaching the final of the Reading Quiz…good luck for the next stage.

Now we are off to enjoy our two weeks holiday…see you all in April!

Reflective Friday 22~2~19

This month has been a busy month for P6/7B.

In numeracy we have been learning about speed, time and distance.

In writing we have been working on a news report about an earthquake and became editors for a day.

We loved doing our lemon volcano experiments in science, the class smelled lovely!

After mid-term break we had a two day focus on Developing the Young Workforce and learned a lot about ourselves and choices we have for the future. We watched a video conference with Miriam Christofoletti who is a robotic engineering student…she told us never to give up and not to let anyone steal away our dreams.

In our topic we have been learning about how tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.

In R.E. we have learned about St. Therese of Liseux and how she did lots of little things with a lot of love.

We learned about Chinese New Year and our art pieces reflected what we had learned. We are now doing pastel drawings of volcanoes.

We also had great fun on Global Play Day; favourites were den building and make-ups.

Reflective Friday January 2019 P6/7b

This month in maths we have been focusing on time and learning how to convert 12 hour time into 24 hour time and vice versa. In French we have learned about the weather and colours.  On Fridays, Cardinal Newman High School sports leaders have been coming to do P.E. with us and we are now learning skills in either netball, rugby or athletics . Cardinal Newman Science ambassadors have been in class too helping us learn about friction and air resistance.

We also got to question Dawn Childs in a live video conference, Dawn is Group Engineering Director at Merlin Entertainment. This was part of the Primary Engineering Young Leaders Award where we have to interview engineers as part of the award. This also helps us to see the jobs available to us when we are older.

We had super fun when the SSPCA came to visit us with their new robotic animals which we had to build and use code to move them around. We also played board games which helped us learn more about animals.

We have started our natural disasters topic and at present we are all busy making presentations on The Ring of Fire.

In literacy we are still trying out our paired spelling in order to help our spelling skills and have recently looked at the features of a newspaper report.

Our peer mediators did a small role play scenario at assembly to show everyone how it can benefit our school. Our rota is now up and running.


P6/7b Reflective Friday December

We began the month with our Entrepreneur Me activities presenting our business plans to Matt and waiting patiently to see if our loans were approved. Thankfully all were and the hard work was underway. We decided any profits from our enterprise would go to our friends in Unitas Court Sheltered Housing and to the parish St. Vincent de Paul


Another exciting day for us was when we were recorded by Radio Clyde morning show producer Calum for the Christmas jingle.

We had a visit to the Panto in Hamilton Town Hall, some of our class performed with the Christmas choir and we had a tasting day thanks to Barbara from Tesco.  We did lots of Christmas maths activities including co-ordinates, in literacy we did some discursive writing this month and we enjoyed making Christmas wreaths and 3D Christmas trees.

Christmas dinner was fa and we had a great day at our party.

A very busy month…now for some rest.

Happy Christmas