All posts by Miss McGuire


Primary 6/7a have been learning lots of new things with Mr Stewart .  In P.E we have been doing Gymnastics and lots of different balances , headstands and rolls .  In maths we have finished Multiplication by 10 , 100 , 1000’s and by single digits .  As our topic is WWII we have been learning about The Blitz , Evacuation , Rationing , Anderson shelters and Morrison shelters . Also with our topic we used pastels to create an Art piece using silhouettes for The Blitz . In R.E we have learned about lent , Maximilian Kolbe and The Seven Sacraments.

We have been doing lots of lessons with Mr . Stewart and hope to do more in the coming week . We have been looking forward to learning more in march .

By Sophie , Kaia  and the rest of P6/7a



P6/7c has been to Mossend P.S to be filmed for an anti- sectarianism video.  We also made friendship bracelets with the Mossend pupils.  We have been learning about equivalent fractions and also how to simplify them.  We are continuing to learn more about World War 2. So far we have learned about evacuees and the Blackout.  We are looking forward to learning more about the Clydebank Blitz and the Holocaust.  In art we have been studying the work of Steven Brown, particularly his piece called McCoo. In science we have looked at living things and classifying them into vertebrates and invertebrates.

We are looking forward  to the month of March for Fun Fridays.  We are especially looking forward to science week.

On behalf of P6/7c,     Emily and Cathal

Primary 6/7a Reflective Friday

Primary 6/7a are really enjoying being back at school after the Christmas holidays. Last week was a little crazy with all of the snow but we made the most of the situation and are back to normal this week.

This term we are very lucky to be joined by Mr Stewart who will be working with our class for the next 6 weeks. We can’t wait for all the learning he has planned. We have started out new topic World War 2, which so far we are all really enjoying and can’t wait to learn more.

In literacy we have all started a new novel, we are also reading Goodnight Mister Tom in class to help us with our topic. For Maths we have started multiplication, we need to make sure we practise our times tables as often as possible so we can complete our tasks well.

That’s all from us in Primary 6/7a, look out for some photos of us enjoying our class work.