December Reflective Friday

Primary 6/7a have had a very busy month and have learned lots of new things.

Firstly we really enjoyed producing all of our entrepreneur me products and had fun selling them after the Nativity performances. This was a great success and we would like to thank you all for buying all of our products.

In class we have learned a lot about the season of Advent and have prepared ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We also have learned about Christmas in the past and how it was celebrated during the Victorian era.

In Maths we have been working on mental and written subtraction and also about co-ordinates which has been really fun. We have continued to read our Cathy MacPhail books and will continue these in January.

We can’t wait for our holidays to spend some time at home with our families. Primary 6/7a would like to wish everyone a healthy and Holy Christmas. See you in 2019.

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