Primary 6 September Update!

Welcome to our September update for Primary 6!

Primary 6 have been very busy in all areas of the curriculum. We have just finished our class modelling novel Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and it was great to look back on some predictions made at the start of the book to see what we first initially thought was going to happen, to discovering what the book was all about through various reading strategies and summarising the events together as a class. We have now moved onto working in our groups and receiving our new novels and working very hard throughout our reading comprehension strategies. Marvellous Matilda’s have received a book called Tribes by Catherine MacPhail and Fantastic Foxes have received the book The Queen’s Nose by Dick King-Smith.

Within numeracy and maths, we have been working on place value, rounding, estimating, and now we have been working with addition and subtracting. They have been focussing a lot on reading questions carefully so that they have a good understanding of what they need to do to solve the problem. We have also been applying a variety of strategies such as using a number line, recognising doubles and near doubles and looking at patterns within number, and using friendly numbers that can help them. We will continue to apply a variety of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies to help us with us our computational skills. We have been continuing to use some mental agility games and activities throughout our lessons and at home in memorising and practising our times tables.

Our first topic, The Titanic, has been a great topic so far and we have all been enjoying finding out all about the people on the Titanic and what their jobs were, who travelled on the Titanic, and also the difference in social class. We are currently creating dioramas at home of what each of the rooms looked like and identifying important features to distinguish the difference between each room. Our class display is coming along greatly with class work and homework projects.

Within Health and Wellbeing, we have recently started learning about the first cog within Emotion Works, ‘Emotion Words’. This is an educational programme within Scotland and very well aligned to the Scottish Curriculum and related policies such as GIRFEC. We have been focusing on building emotion word vocabulary which helps develop and deepen emotional understanding and we look forward to learning more about each cog and becoming more emotionally literate.

We have also been busy in carrying out the Choccy Challenge with Scotland’s Enterprising Schools and Young Enterprise Scotland which they have created a fantastic resource designed to allow pupils to work collaboratively, be creative and solve problems, which we all have been busy doing within the class. We have been working in groups creating a product, giving it a name, creating a logo and slogan, as well as creating packaging and adverts for each of them.

Furthermore, Primary 6 have been preparing for our First Friday Mass that we are hosting on Friday, 6th of October.

Have a great week everyone!

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