Primary 5 September Update

Primary 5 have had a fantastically busy and productive month of September. We have been growing and learning in all areas of the curriculum, striving to become successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals.

It was lovely to meet some of you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ event and I look forward to getting a chance to speak with you regarding your child’s progress on our Parents Evening on Thursday 12th October. Please log on to the parent portal and book an appointment if you have not done so already.

Over the last month the pupils have made excellent progress in Math’s and Numeracy, they have been exploring Addition of larger numbers and learning a variety of strategies that they can apply to help them solve these problems. They have been focussing on reading questions carefully so that they have a good understanding of what they need to do to solve the problem. Children are encouraged to apply a variety of strategies such as adding in chunks using a number line, recognising  doubles and near doubles and looking at patterns within number that can help them. We will continue to apply a variety of addition, subtraction and multiplication and division strategies to help us with us our computational skills.

In Literacy we are making good progress with our spelling programme and the children can identify and use the most efficient strategies to spell increasingly difficult and tricky words. We have come to the end of our modelling block and pupils will now apply the skills they have been using to help them explore individual and group novels. I would encourage that when children do not have a book home to read that they are encouraged to read for pleasure. We have a class and school library with a wide variety of books that children are free to borrow any time.


We have been learning about the life of Jesus and the children have worked together in groups to collaborate and research some of the miracles performed by Jesus. They were able to define what a miracle is and were able to ‘teach’ the rest of the class about the miracle that their group, researched using the bible. This was a good opportunity for the children to get used to using the bible and finding the relevant chapters and verses.


We continue to attend Sir Matt Busby every Tuesday for our Swimming sessions. The children are making excellent progress and enjoying this very much. In the sports hall the children are learning a variety of new team games learning skills of co- ordination, pacing, positioning and indeed communication effectively in a team.


We have been learning lots about the Titanic and the people on board. We are looking forward to participating in some science-based learning using this topic, such as exploring buoyancy, density, water displacement and temperature.

Please continue to check school website for any updates.

Thank you

Mrs Preston and Primary 5.

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