Primary 1 September ’23 Update

We have had a very successful September, with the boys and girls becoming more independent during their school day and learning lots of new skills. We are learning more about the school and class routines and rules and are trying hard to follow these.

In literacy we have been continuing our active literacy programme and already know how to read and write s  a  t  p  I  and n. We have been listening to jolly phonics songs to help us to learn our sounds. You can access these on YouTube by searching for ‘jolly phonics songs in order’. Boys and girls, you can sing your songs for your families and teach them the actions! We have now learned 10 common words and we are continuing to practise these words every day in school and at home.

Our listening and concentration skills are improving every day. We are giving Oscar 5 when we come together as a class – eyes watching, mouth quiet, hands still, legs crossed/mountain/mermaid and ears listening. Keep up the great effort Primary 1!

We have introduced Star Writers to our classroom and we are working hard to meet our targets when we are over writing, under writing and writing on our own to get our work onto the classroom wall! We know that our letters have special places on the line and can tell if our letters are grass, ground or sky letters.

During our numeracy learning experiences we are continuing to learn how to read, write and count the numbers up to 5 and beyond. We are practicing our number formations every day and should do this at home too. We are learning more about numbers before/after and in between by using our number line. In the coming weeks we are going to learn even more about number stories and adding our numbers together to make a bigger number. To help us we will use lots of counting resources and have lots of fun!

Our class topic has been People Who Help Us and we have enjoyed talking about the people who help us in school, at home and in our community. We love learning about the emergency services and in particular the Police and Fire services. We even made our own Police vehicles. In class we have been talking about the importance of being safe when we are in the community, and how to be safe when crossing the road.

We are looking forward to another exciting month in Primary 1. We are so excited to be entering into October because we know this is an Autumn month and ends with Hallowe’en. Lots of fun to be had!


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