Primary 7a January update

It was so lovely to have all of the children back after the Christmas break. All ready and refreshed to begin their last few months as Holy Family pupils.

We have been incredibly busy in Primary 7a this month and have lots to look forward to for the rest of the year.  We are also very lucky to have Miss Walker joining us for 5 weeks. She will leave us at the end of February but she has lots of fun planned for us for the next few weeks.


In literacy we are all working on the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’.  The children are loving this book so far and are doing really well to keep up with the reading that I have assigned for them to do at home. If any are struggling, I have suggested audible or you tube to listen to the book being read and they can read along as sometimes reading a lot all at once can be a lot for some children.


In numeracy we covered negative numbers, the children have learned this very quickly and are able to use them in a variety of contexts. We have since moved on to Time, which again the class have demonstrated a great knowledge of which I am extremely impressed with.  If you could reinforce the reading of timetables at home such as tv schedules, train and bus time tables this would be greatly appreciated.

Health and Wellbeing

Our PE days are currently on a Tuesday and a Thursday, this month we have been focusing on hockey on a Tuesday with Miss Walker which has been really fun. On a Thursday we have been working together with primary 7b and have being focusing on fitness keeping up with the healthy new year resolutions.


Our class novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ is directly linked to our topic this term which is World War 2. The children are loving this already and have learned lots about how the war began and about the leaders of the countries involved. We will be focusing on the British front before moving on the the German perspective. I am sure the children will love this.


In RE we have had a focus on the beatitudes and have learned about some missionaries. The children have really enjoyed this and it has led really well on to their preparation for their Confirmation which will take place in April. We have started the booklet to help them to prepare and in line with this they will have home activities to complete with you at home. I am aiming to have a majority of these completed before Easter break and the children will be given notice of when the next one is due.

We are looking forward to what February brings for our class.

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