Primary 2

Primary 2 have had such a busy month. Preparation has began for our Nativity show ‘A Miracle in Town’. The children have their parts and have been working hard to learn their lines and songs.

We have continued work on addition and subtraction and have also covered a topic on shape. As always, a great deal of our work is practical using Seal Maths.

Within Literacy we have been doing more work on new sounds and common words. The children are getting so good at reciprocal teaching (teaching each other) by testing each other on what we have been learning. In writing we have had a go at writing a recount and have also been writing instructions. We especially enjoyed writing about how to make a jeely piece for Katie Morag.

The children have devoted lots of their prayers this month to their deceased loved ones as part of our work on the Month of the Holy Souls. We have learned the ‘Eternal Rest’ prayer and have been saying it daily.

As part of our Emotion Works syllabus, we have been identifying emotions and linking things that happen to us with how it makes us feel. The children made their own emotions using play foam and blank faces.

We have enjoyed some S.T.E.M time within our busy class this month. We were given the challenge of designing a new bridge for the Island of Struay as part of our topic.  We made our way around a variety of stations (e.g spaghetti and marshmallows) and tried to design a safe bridge for the people on Struay to use.

Work began on our Christmas enterprise for our Christmas Fayre. The children had a ball making reindeer food and were so proud of the results.

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