March Reflective Friday Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne/Miss Steven

R.E.  – LENT

Almsgiving  and Sciaf

The children have been learning about Lent as we journey towards Easter.  That it is a time for Prayers, Almsgiving, being kind to others and sharing what we have, especially with those less fortunate than ourselves.    Here are some  pictures of a few of the  events arranged by the children to raise funds for Sciaf:

Crazy Hair, Mad Scientist and odd Shoe Day/Pyjama and Movie Day

LITERACY  –  TOPIC and IDL                                                                                        Star Writers

The Children have been very busy and have  had lots to write about this month, e.g   Fairtrade,/Their visit to See Dippy the Diplodocus at Kelvingrove Art Gallery/Crazy Hair, Mad Scientist and Odd Shoe  Day.  The children also made a poster to remind everyone that there is Lenten Mass just before school starts at 8.30am on Mondays and Wednesdays.  They then chose a space and displayed  their posters around the school so everyone could see them.

Here are some of this months Star Writers.


The children enjoyed World Book Day very much  and were able to read stories of their own choice.  They also got to travel around the school, listening to a variety of stories from books read by different class teachers. Afterwards they then chose their favourite book/story and wrote a short book report and picture story about it.

Here are some pictures of P1/2 and the children who visited our class.


Times Tables/Time/Fractions (Hr, Half an Hour, Quart Past/ To )

The children have been working  hard and have really enjoyed some of the games and active learning  tasks they were set.

They have continue to enjoy their maths stations and have actively participated in building on new learning and what they already know.  They have particularly been working hard learning about sets of numbers called tables. When learning about ‘Time’,  they learned that when we talk about ‘half past’ and ‘quarter past’ the hour,  this is a ‘part of’ Time. ‘A Faction’  and that a Fraction is  ‘part of’ something.


P1/2 are still  receiving Football Coaching  sessions but have also had the chance to enjoy Dance and Drama coaching too. The  children had fun learning about  Gymnastics and showing each other what they know and what they have learned.

ICT – B.Bots Programming with Miss Gallagher

The children had a fantastic time as the were introduced to programming in a really fun way.  They learned that they have to give very precise instructions, in order for the B.Bot to do exactly what they wanted it to do. This lesson really engaged the children and they had a fantastic time learning how to make a successful programme.


Frozen Fossils

As part of science week the children learned about Frozen Fossils. As a homework task the children then went off home to make their very own, then brought them back in, to share with the class, before explaining what they had frozen. The children discussed with their shoulder partners and wrote down what they thought the frozen fossil might be, before it was revealed.  Some were quite tricky as colouring had been used to hide the fossils. Great idea!

Mini Beast Hunt

The children got their protective clothing on as they ventured out on a mini-beast hunt.  Great Work P1/2.  (pics. to come)


However on Friday during our Pyjama and Movie Day,  the children found their own mini-beast crawling in the sink.  We put it into a cup and took it outside to release it into our school garden.



As Fair-Trade Fortnight came to an end, the children finished off by making a big ‘Fair Trade’ T Shirt Poster, with all the used  Fair Trade labels and wrappers that the children had brought in.  This can be seen displayed in the main hall next to the  dinner hall (More pics to come)

Thank You Miss Steven

Finally P1/2  on their special visit to the play park with Miss Steven and saying a big thank you, as we wish her a fond farewell on her last day with P1/2.  We will miss her very much but have invited her back for a visit any time, so will look forward to seeing her again very soon.


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