Primary 1 – August

What a month! Primary 1 have been working really hard to learn our new school routines and are settling into Holy Family primary really well. We are enjoying making new friends and learning lots of new things. We have been working hard on our numbers and sounds and really enjoyed making sets of 2 and sets of 3.

Of course, our favourite time of the week is golden time!

Congratulations to this months star writers Asmara, Callum, Ethan, Nisha and Zara! Congratulations also to our merit winners Leo, Aoife, Nisha and Ethan….well done!

Well done to all the boys and girls on completing their first few weeks in Primary school. You have all done so well and I am so very proud of you all!

Miss McNally

4 thoughts on “Primary 1 – August”

  1. I’m really pleased that Leo has settled in well and is enjoying P1. He even takes his homework seriously so onwards and upwards.

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