P2 Reflective Friday November 2017 – Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

Learning – R.E./Literacy/Expressive Arts/Maths

Nativity Play Rehearsals – (Holy Joe)

P2 along with P1/2 and P3 are working very hard as the learn their lines and practice their songs and carols for this years Nativity performance.  They are all very proud of themselves as they do their very best, focus and work hard to they prepare for their  performances.   Great work P2, P1/2 and P3.

Remembrance Day

As the children learned about Remembrance Day they also wanted to make a poppy wreath of remembrance  for our class alter so that we can keep all the fallen soldiers in our prayer particularily during this special month of November.

Numeracy, Christmas Fayre and Enterprise

As P2 Looked forward to the Christmas Fayre and making and measuring out their quantities of Reindeer Dust to sell,  the children discussed what else they could measure and how this could be done.  They started with height and decided they would like to know who was the smallest and tallest in the class.


As the children made their  Reindeer Dust to sell, they decided they would like to raise more money and went on to make ‘ Santa Sweetie Surprise bags’. Here are some pictures of how they went about this.


…and a  few photographs of their finished results.  Well done P2

While the children  prepared to sell their goods, we  discussed the quantity they felt they should make, how much this would cost  and how much  money could be made from their sale.

National Book Week

The children have enjoyed this very much.  They have brought in some of their own favourite books to share with the class and have had a special opportunity to have books read to them .  In particular the would like to thank the Head Teacher from Mossend Primary who came over to Holy Family to read to them and the children enjoyed this very much indeed .  The children also loved their’ Read, Write and Count’ Backpacks with lots of books and goodies inside and couldn’t wait to take them home to show their families.



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