Category Archives: Primary 5/6

The Wonders of Electricity

Primary 5/6 pupils have enjoyed learning about different aspects of electricity.   As they progressed and deepened their knowledge of the impact that electricity has on their lives and how vital this is in today’s modern living, I taught the pupil’s about circuits and the journey that electricity takes to reach the circuit.

At the end of the block of teaching and learning, the class had the challenge of working out how to build a circuit.   Some were to make a bulb light up, whilst others got a fan and a buzzer to work.   Some progressed onto adding circuit breakers and even adding more to their circuit to make the bulb even brighter.   What an achievement and I am so proud that they were highly motivated and each thoroughly enjoyed the time spent carrying this out.

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Fairtrade and Food Leadership Academy


The boys and girls in this leadership group are planning a Fairtrade event for parents, carers and members of the school and extended community to attend and enjoy. Some children created invitations while others baked Fairtrade banana loaves and carrot cakes which will be frozen and stored until the event!

Target Games

Primaries 4/5 and 5/6 enjoyed a joint PE session today as they were introduced to the concept of Target Games.   After discussing this with the pupils and having a warm up, Mrs Fisher and I decided to introduce a baton relay.   This was to reinforce the importance of concentration and hand and eye co-ordination.  All pupils really enjoyed this and we found that their existing skills were very good and so future lessons will concentrate on developing and refining their knowledge and skills even further.   An exciting block of Target Games ahead for us all!


P5/6 Designing and building in the garden.

Primary 5/6 were in the garden clearing the vegetable beds and when we were finished, the pupils found garden canes.   They came rushing over to me and asked if they could build a Tipi; this was a house that the pupil’s had been learning about during our Native American topic.

It was great to see the enthusiasm and determination, but also to hear them discuss the design and how they were going to build it.   They tried several ways to keep it up and after a few attempts, they managed to  built  the structure with the correct shape and made the space larger so that they could fit one of them inside.   As you can see from their faces, the team effort paid off.   A very proud teacher and a very creative class: Well Done P5/6!


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Focus on Food / Fairtrade Group

Today was our first meeting of the Focus on Food / Fairtrade Leadership committee group. We had a group discussion about what we want the group to achieve this year and voted for 3 aims for the year. Some children researched fairtrade snacks for a possible Fairtrade tuckshop while others created a ‘Courgette Loaf Cake’ using produce from our garden in the Learning Kitchen. We can’t wait until our next session!

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How to draw a Native American headdress.

P5/6 have been deep in thought about our current topic of Native Americans.   One request was to find out how to draw a Native American and this was achieved through a sketching class.   Pupils were very careful to follow the directions and instructions and take each step with great concentration and application of their new found “whispery pencil” grip.   It will be very interesting to see how the pupils follow it up when they are asked to make this sketch into a larger piece of art.

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Can you guess the number?

While working with our new Big Maths tasks, the pupils thoroughly enjoyed creating numbers and sticking them onto their partners back.   It was then up to the partner to ask questions in order to find the number.   This task continuously makes links to our maths and it was also very enjoyable.   It appears that maths is easier when it is great fun!

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Pupils from Our School Choir Perform for Sense Scotland 23 November 2015

Pupils from our school choir excelled themselves at a concert in aid of Sense Scotlnd on Monday night. The concert venue was the beautiful Glasgow City Chambers and the pupils sang beautifully to an audience that included many Glenmanor parents and family members. Thank you for your fantastic support as always. We sold 59 of the allocated 60 tickets, making £501.50 for the charity.