Category Archives: Primary 5/6


This week we have been studying lines of symmetry  in shapes and  in nature as well as learning how to create symmetrical pictures.  We did some research on the Monarch butterfly which is a beautiful symmetrical creature and created oil pastel drawings.  Using black and white card we also learned how to make positive/negative symmetrical pictures.

P5/6 Garden Open Event

On Wednesday 27th May P5/6 invited parents and carers to help us in our school garden.  There was a big turn out from parents, grandparents and even sisters. We had great  fun and managed to get a lot of work done.

We dug over our vegetable beds and planted potatoes and shallots.  We used hanging baskets to plant strawberries and tumbling tomatoes.  Purple Haze carrots and Blood Red onions were thinned out and transferred from pots into grow  bags.  Pupils worked hard to weed our flower planters and added beautiful bright flowering plants.