P1a used potatoes and onions from our school garden to make bangers and mash! It was delicious and we hope that Mrs Martin enjoyed it. Thank you to Mrs Kelly for helping us!
Category Archives: Primary 1
P1 Homework Week Beginning 21st September 2015
Ask your child to arrange their teddy bears/ cars etc into a line and ask them questions about their position. E.g. which teddy bear is 5th in the line? Or instruct your child to arrange them in a certain way E.g. Put the red car in first position, the blue car in second and yellow car in third etc.
Number 5 Activities
We were learning to form the number 5 correctly. Some of us chose to write the number 5 on our new iPads while others painted the number 5. We did very well and we had lots of fun.
Active Maths in P1a
Primary one had fun learning to identify and correctly form numbers.
P1 New Entrants
Well done to of our new Primary One children. All children settled very quickly and were enthusiastic about their learning and being in school. We are very proud of you!
P1a Star Writers
On Friday morning the nursery allowed P1a to look after their tadpoles and little froglets. The class looked at some books about tadpoles and frogs and then wrote an explanation about the life cycle of a frog! Well done to our star writers, David, Dylan, Daisy and Peter!
P1-P2, P3-P4 Sports Day Highlights
We had a fantastic time at sports day today. Thank you to all the parents who came along today to support this event. Some parents even stayed all day!
Thank you to John Rooney (P7) who took these great photos today.
Thank you for all your help today, John! You were a star!
P1 Induction – June 10 2015
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Primary One’s and their Parents on Wednesday 10 June. Please make your way to the school hall for 9.30am. Miss Scott and Miss Hendry will meet you there. Lunch will be served at 11.30am.