Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

P6/7 Garden Open Event

Outdoor LearningOn Thursday morning we held an Outdoor Learning Event for our parents. We went into the Memorial Garden to look at the flowering fruit trees to study the blossom. We were also set a mathematical challenge to find a variety of different angles in the garden.

Shannon noticed that there were  right angles on the stepping stones.

Kyle noticed that a straight angle could been seen along the top of the fence. Well spotted!

Several of the class noticed the set of acute angles in the spokes of the wheel which is part of the memorial plaque on the wall.

The water butt gave us a chance to look at reflex angles.

The angle that caused us the biggest problem was the angle of the rain!! We continued our learning back up in the classroom where we made bio-degradable pots and planted a variety of different seeds.SDC11596

The pots were made with old newspapers and a special wooden tool – and our talents too of course.

We also got the parents involved.

“I loved doing it – and it was easy and good fun.”          Leo

“I found it easy to do after watching Leo.”         Cameron

SDC11597 2We are going to fill the pots with seeds and start them growing in the classroom. Later on we can plant them straight into the garden still in their newspaper pots.

“The seeds we planted were special ones. They came in a tape and you  planted them like that. We thought it would be easier than loose seeds – but it was difficult to keep the tape in the soil.  We then put the seed tray in a propagator. It is like a little greenhouse and you can keep the seeds warm to help them grow.”    Leah, Maaria and Skye


P2 Visit Dumfries House

Back in March P2 visited Dumfries House. We had a great day learning to chop vegetables and make potato salad in the lovely learning kitchen. We all did really well trying some new food. We then went to the vegetable garden, paired up and completed a scavenger hunt. After eating our packed lunches in the farmhouse, we then took advantage of the lovely weather and had lots of fun in the adventure playground. A great day was had by all.

Mrs Inglis

P5/6 Garden Open Event

On Wednesday 27th May P5/6 invited parents and carers to help us in our school garden.  There was a big turn out from parents, grandparents and even sisters. We had great  fun and managed to get a lot of work done.

We dug over our vegetable beds and planted potatoes and shallots.  We used hanging baskets to plant strawberries and tumbling tomatoes.  Purple Haze carrots and Blood Red onions were thinned out and transferred from pots into grow  bags.  Pupils worked hard to weed our flower planters and added beautiful bright flowering plants.






P3 Trip to Dumfries House

On Fri 27th March P3 were very excited to go on their trip to Dumfries House.  We were blessed with sunny weather and got to enjoy all the outdoor activities as well as our cooking session!  P3 enjoyed cutting up vegetables and herbs to make a delicious pasta salad.  Some pupils were very good at trying new foods.

Afterwards we went outside for a vegetable hunt and the trip finished with some free time at the adventure playground.

Sports Day 2 June 2015

Our Primary School Sports Day will go ahead on Tuesday 2 June, weather permitting ofcourse! Please join us on the grass areas next to the nursery/P1 playground for a lovely day together.

Sports DayThe races will take place as follows –

P3 and P4 9.15am-10.30am

P1 and P2 10.45am-12.00pm

P5, P6, P7 1.00pm-3.00pm

Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the event and sign in at the tables provided then make your way to the speactators area to cheer on our budding athletes. Some seating will be provided. If additional seating is required, please ask a member of staff on the day.

P4 Helpful Herbs

Primary 4 smelled and tasted some fabulous herbs in the classroom. We found out that Rosemary was useful during plague times to get rid of bad smells. We also found out that Chives were used in China as far back as 300BC and were used to make antidotes for poisons. Did you know that Mint is an invasive herb? This means that it takes over other herbs and plants, so it is best to put it in a pot instead of the garden.

Our class went out into the garden and started decorating plant pots in which we planted herb seeds. Some of us chose to plant Dill, Parsley, Basil, Coriander and Tarragon.

At the end we got a stick and wrote our name and what herb plant we planted and stuck it in the pot. Hopefully, they’ll grow into herb plants and we look forward to using them in our recipes.


P7 KIlbowie Information Evening for Parents and Pupils

This event will be led by P7 pupils in the school hall from 6-7pm on 16 June. It will follow a Q/A format.

To make this event responsive to your needs, could P6 pupils and parents post any questions you have about Kilbowie below by Monday 8 June?

All questions will be answered at the information evening.

P7 Kilbowie Info Evening Letter to Parents 26 May 2015

P7 KIlbowie Residential Visit 2015/2016

Our visit to Kilbowie next session will take place from 2 – 6 November 2015. An information pack was issued to all Parents/Carers on Thursday 21 May. 2015

An Information Evening for Parents and Pupils will take place in the school hall on Tuesday 16 June from 6-7pm. This event will be led by our current P7 pupils. Further information will be issued shortly.

Please click on the links below to view the information pack. A payment card has been issued if you want to spread the cost over several instalments.

Kilbowie 2015-16 Info for Parents and Pupils Booklet

Kilbowie 2015-16 Consent Form Admin Medicines Booklet

Kilbowie 2015-16 Payment Card