Category Archives: Food and Health

P2, P2/3 and P3 Germ Busters


We have been learning about keeping safe in the kitchen as part of our Health and Wellbeing lessons this term. We have learned about safe and hygienic food preparation, storage and cooking.

All three classes enjoyed a visit from Mrs MacIntyre who taught us about germs and the importance of keeping our hands clean. She used a special light that showed up the germs on our hands before and after washing them. She also brought her cuddly germ friend to tell us that not all germs are bad germs.

Thank you Mrs MacIntyre.




First Heat of the Great Glen Bake Off

A huge well done to everyone who took part in the first heat of the Great Glen Bake Off. We were extremely impressed with the standard of cooking and the talented bakers we have in school! Well done to all the children in P1-3 who did a super job decorating cakes. Mrs Burke and the Captains tasted all the bakes and had the tough decision of choosing two bakes to put through to the final. Congratulations to Max and Leo who have made it through to the P4-7 final.


P5 Busy Bees

Primary 5 have had a busy time at school learning new things and taking part in different opportunities.

In maths, we have been learning about division. We made the most of the sunshine and practised our sums outside.

We have also been looking at the artist Piet Mondrian. We created some of our own paintings in the style of his work and we listened to swing music whilst we painted, just as Piet Mondrian did!

We really enjoyed cooking our fairtrade breakfast in the learning kitchen. We made blueberry and banana breakfast muffins and they were delicious! We used as many fairtrade products from the Co-Operative as we could.


Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 13.13.03P2 are learning all about bar graphs. We made a bar graph showing all the types of rubbish that we found when we did a litter pick. We brought the litter back to class and sorted it into different kinds of litter. Then we counted it using tally marks. We put the information into a bar graph and answered some questions about our graph.

“There were 63 sweet wrappers and that was the most” – Andrew A

“Fruit was the least popular” – Chloe M

“Crisps were the second most” – Cameron F

“Bottles and cartons altogether were 16” – David Y

We also think that people should make sure they put their litter in the bin!

Fairtrade Banana Muffins – Primary 4

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Our class were in the cooking room on Tuesday and we had great fun making our Fairtrade banana muffins.  The ingredients were bought from the local Co-op and were all Fairtrade products.  The ingredients were plain flour, butter, eggs, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and bananas.  We worked well in our groups to mix the ingredients together and spoon the mixture into the paper cases.  We had to wait half and hour until they were ready but it was worth the wait.  They were absolutely delicious!





Banana Sushi

Last week in primary 7 we were making crepes with Nutella and banana.We made them from scratch with flour, milk and an egg. We mixed them all together and poured the batter into the pan and waited for it to cook. We even attempted to flip the pancakes!

After they were cooked we spread on our Nutella. Then we put our banana at the end of our pancake and carefully rolled it up. Next we cut it into bite size pieces and finally we got to eat them. They were very tasty.

The reason we were cooking this particular recipe was because it has recently been Pancake Tuesday and also because Fairtrade fortnight is focusing on breakfast food. In addition bananas and chocolate are typically associated as Fairtrade produces.

When we were not cooking were writing poems about the things we love and drawing portraits of our self to go with them. (written by Leah and Alexis)


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