Category Archives: Food and Health

P3 Trip to Dumfries House

On Fri 27th March P3 were very excited to go on their trip to Dumfries House.  We were blessed with sunny weather and got to enjoy all the outdoor activities as well as our cooking session!  P3 enjoyed cutting up vegetables and herbs to make a delicious pasta salad.  Some pupils were very good at trying new foods.

Afterwards we went outside for a vegetable hunt and the trip finished with some free time at the adventure playground.

P4 Helpful Herbs

Primary 4 smelled and tasted some fabulous herbs in the classroom. We found out that Rosemary was useful during plague times to get rid of bad smells. We also found out that Chives were used in China as far back as 300BC and were used to make antidotes for poisons. Did you know that Mint is an invasive herb? This means that it takes over other herbs and plants, so it is best to put it in a pot instead of the garden.

Our class went out into the garden and started decorating plant pots in which we planted herb seeds. Some of us chose to plant Dill, Parsley, Basil, Coriander and Tarragon.

At the end we got a stick and wrote our name and what herb plant we planted and stuck it in the pot. Hopefully, they’ll grow into herb plants and we look forward to using them in our recipes.


P3 Baking – Yummy Scones!

P3 were very excited to have their first opportunity to use the learning kitchen this year.  So far two groups have had the chance to try out the recipe for butternut and thyme scones.  Most pupils liked it with some saying it was too herby.

Everyone was keen to participate during the cooking as well as the obligatory cleaning up as the flour gets everywhere!

Lunch Menu from 18 May 2015

A new lunch menu was issued to all families on Friday 15 May.  The menu starts on Monday 18 May on week 2. Please click on the link below to view the new menu.

Pre-Order Parent’s Lunch Menu 15 May 2015

Please note – The previous menu for 10 June will remain the same because our new entrant pupils and parents are joining us for lunch on this date and they have already selected their meals from this menu.  Therefore the menu for 10 June  is detailed below –

  • Beef Chilli with Rice (Red)
  • Tikka Masala Wrap (Yellow)
  • Baked Potato (Blue)
  • Tuna Pasta (Orange)
  • Sandwich (Green)