Haggis Neeps ‘n’ Tatties!
Our Very Own Tartan
Burns’ Supper Posters
Haggis Neeps ‘n’ Tatties!
Our Very Own Tartan
Burns’ Supper Posters
Primary 6 where very busy in class learning all about Robert Burns in preparation for our burns supper which was on Thursday the 21st of January. Everyone who came had an excellent time. It was a night to remember!
We learned about all different types of tartan and made our own design of tartan, and we also found out that people in our class have their own family tartan.
We learned the meanings some of the Scots dialect that was heard at the burns supper during some of our poems and songs.
Recently we drew some charcoal drawing of Robert burns, it got messy and there was charcoal everywhere but we still had fun doing it.
Half of the primary six class made haggis, neaps and tatties while the other half of the class made invitations and posters for our Burns Supper. After we made the food the whole class got to try a bit some people didn’t want to because they thought that they might not like it but after a little taste of the food everyone loved it
We all had fun with our Burns’ Supper and are looking forward to our next topic which is Scotland’s Time Lords.
by Sophie and Sienna
We have been working extremely hard today on researching various types of extreme weather in the world. We worked in our co-op learning groups to research storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and lightning. Did you know that tornadoes can reach up to speeds of 483 kilometres per hour? Did you also know that thunder and lightning happen at the same time, but because light travels faster than sound, we see lightning before we hear the thunder?
We rose to the cooking challenge set by Mrs Martin by making fantastic frittata. The ingredients included cheese, eggs, spring onion and new potatoes. We all enjoyed working in our groups preparing the vegetables, mixing the ingredients, designing our own placemats and creating our menus. We all had a piece of the frittata and it was delicious!
Juri is the German Classroom Assistant at Chryston High School and we were delighted to welcome him to Glenmanor recently.
He asked us lots of questions and we had great fun replying to him in our best German. We practised our greetings, colours and talking about ourselves. We sang several songs to him and he said hearing us singing Stille Nacht(Silent Night) was very moving.
We also learned a lot about the geography of Germany and its neighbours. We can say all the regions, towns and cities in German. Mrs Charles has now mastered saying the Czech Republic and we are delighted for her!!!.
We are looking forward to Juri’s next visit.
We had to use our nine green cubes to show the stations of the 3x tables. We had to start with the smallest station in the top left corner and the largest one in the bottom right corner.
We put our success down to listening carefully to instructions and working as a team.
Later on we had to make a magic square with the total of 15 in each row, column and diagonal.
Primary 4 are looking forward to their next challenge with Izak9.
Super work Primary 4
This afternoon children enjoyed skiing, a trip to the gorge or the ropes course. Fantastic communication and working as a team was displayed! Another proud moment.
This thoughtful and kind pupil has been growing her hair for over a year so this can be cut and donated to charity on Sunday 15 November. She has opted to donate her hair to the little princess trust for wig making, while looking to receive sponsor donations for a local charity PALS. All of this was completely her own idea after watching Children in Need last year and having a close friend helped by this fantastic charity PALS.
She has received over £1,000 in donations through sponsor forms and she also has a Virgin Giving Money page in her own name.
A local radio station want to interview her and there will be a local newspaper article to publish her journey.
Well done! We are very proud of your achievement!
And let’s not forget another of our pupils in our school who also went though the same process for charity! We have very kind pupils at Glenmanor.
P1a worker hard in all curricular areas today but they worked especially hard in literacy and maths. They are also learning to give relevant feedback during peer assessment. I am very pleased with your effort and attitude towards learning.