Category Archives: * Confident individual

Primary 3 working hard!

The Rainforest

The children learned all about the layers of the rainforest. We can name and identify all the layers with confidence. We will be learning about the animals who live in each layer.


The class had fun using the net for the first time today. A lot of the children found it challenging to hit the shuttlecock over the net but they know that with lots of practise they will get better!



The children learned how to draw a face and we chose a friend to draw. The class had lots of fun drawing their friend. Some of the drawings were so good that we could identify who they were.


The children enjoyed using pasta shapes to help them find out the answers to the 4 times table.

Reminder: Burns Competition Friday 5th February 2016

A reminder that each class have been given a Scots poem to learn at home as part of our annual Burns celebrations at Glenmanor Primary.

All children will have the opportunity to recite their poem from memory within their own class and some children will be selected as finalists to perform at a whole-school Burns assembly. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for each class and these children will be awarded with official Robert Burns Federation certificates.

Children should learn their poem off by heart and add suitable expression and actions. Some of the poems are performed by people online on sites such as YouTube and this may assist your child in learning their poem.

The poems are as follows:

P1a/P1b – My Wee Rid Motor, P2/P2/3 – Nessie, P3 – The Sair Finger, P4 – Fireworks aff the Castle, P4/5/P5 – A Chuckie in yer Shoe, P6/P6/7 – Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation, P7 – Lament to the Toothache.

If you need another copy of the poem, please ask Miss O’Neill.

Primary 4 – Talking and Listening

The Authors reading group have recently finished their group novel, The Best Dog in the World by Sylvia Green.  The children had to present a talk to the rest of the class about their special dog.  Each pupil or pair had to make sure that they included a detailed description of what their dog looked like, the breed or type of dog it was, how their dog behaved and why it was so special to them.  When presenting their information, the children had to make sure that they made good eye contact with their audience, their voice was loud and clear enough for their audience to hear and the content o.f their talk was both interesting and informative.  The audience also had an important job to do as they were assessing the presentations by recording what was interesting, how the readers  caught their attention and advice about how to make any improvements.  Well done Primary 4.


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Burns Competition at Glenmanor

o-ROBERT-BURNS-facebookEach class have been given a Scots poem to learn at home as part of our annual Burns celebrations at Glenmanor Primary.

All children will have the opportunity to recite their poem from memory within their own class and some children will be selected as finalists to perform at a whole-school Burns assembly at the end of the month. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for each class and these children will be awarded with official Robert Burns Federation certificates.

Children should learn their poem off by heart and add suitable expression and actions. Some of the poems are performed by people online on sites such as YouTube and this may assist your child in learning their poem.

The poems are as follows:

P1a/P1b – My Wee Rid Motor, P2/P2/3 – Nessie, P3 – The Sair Finger, P4 – Fireworks aff the Castle, P4/5/P5 – A Chuckie in yer Shoe, P6/P6/7 – Farewell to aw our Scottish Fame, P7 – Lament to the Toothache.

Christmas Around the World Presentations

In Primary 5 today we were presenting our research posters about Christmas in different countries. The countries we researched were France, Mexico, India, Japan, Scotland, Germany and Brazil. We researched how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in our countrie’s languages, we learnt what they call Santa, the food they eat at Christmas and we learnt about the decorations they put up. An interesting fact we learnt was that in India they decorate their house with mango leaves.

We wish you a Merry Christmas!! Can you guess what languages these are?

Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Felliz Natal, Frohe Weihnachten, Shimen Omedeta Kurisamasu Omedeto and Mer

ry Christmas.

Ready Steady Cook Challenge- P3

In the kitchen this morning some children from P3 prepared and made a Moroccan Potato Salad. The children experienced chopping potatoes, cutting parsley and making their own vinaigrette.

Then all the children had a taste and the majority of the children enjoyed the salad but a few children didn’t like the red onion.

Mrs Martin joined us afterwards and had a taste and she was very impressed. She was very surprised to hear that we made our own vinaigrette and she absolutely loved our potato salad.