All posts by Mrs Quinn

Burns’ Supper

Primary 6 where very busy in class learning all about Robert Burns in preparation for our burns supper which was on Thursday the 21st of January.  Everyone who came had an excellent time.  It was a night to remember!

We learned about all different types of tartan and made our own design of tartan, and we also found out that people in our class have their own family tartan.

We learned the meanings some of the Scots dialect  that was heard at the burns supper during some of our poems and songs.

Recently  we drew some charcoal drawing of Robert burns, it got messy and there was charcoal everywhere but we still had fun doing it.

Half of the primary six class made haggis, neaps and tatties while the other half of the class made invitations and posters for our Burns Supper. After we made the food the whole class got to try a bit some people didn’t want to because they thought that they might not like it but after a little taste of the food everyone loved it

We all had fun with our Burns’ Supper and are looking forward to our next topic which is Scotland’s Time Lords.

by Sophie and Sienna


Glenmanor Choir and Sense Scotland

On  Monday 23rd of November, twenty five  members of the Glenmanor choir attended an event called ‘Sense Scotland’  in the City Chambers in Glasgow.  The aim of the event was to raise money for people who are deaf, blind  physically challenged. This was a great opportunity for all the children who attended  the event.

The Glenmanor choir  is very keen to take part in  more charity events.  In the words of Miss O’Neill,  “I am very proud of the children that took part”.  The songs  the children sang were ‘Somewhere Only We Know’, ‘Tonight’, ‘Come And Join The Celebration’,  ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Emanuel’. The children had a fabulous time and thought that the building looked absolutely spectacular.

Written by Sophie Innes & Sienna Sidhu

Primary Six Remembrance Day

Primary six marked Remembrance Day with a very dignified two minutes silence.  They  carried out a variety of tasks to enhance their knowledge of the effects war can have on the home life of children.  Pupils researched what life was like for evacuees and the evacuation process, what happened during air raids and made keynote presentations and dioramas of all their findings.




A Busy Week in Primary Six

Primary six threw themselves into our cooking challenge this week and made ‘Patatas Bravas’.  We used the potatoes and onions that we grew in our own school gardens!  End result got the thumbs up from our official taster, Mrs Martin.


Pupils have been busy at home creating excellent posters displaying their knowledge of various aspects of the 1970s.  Pupils have worked hard and made some fantastic posters.


Primary Six In The Garden

Primary six took advantage of our recent good weather and got working to maintain our school gardens.  Pupils worked hard litter picking, raking, weeding and preparing  our vegetable beds for planting.



Primary Six were also busy rehearsing for our school show ‘Is this the way to Amarillo?’ and I think that we are almost there!

We have been set a challenge to choose a recipe that includes onions and potatoes grown in our own school garden.   We will be judged on flavour, presentation and originality!  Pupils have been researching and found a huge variety of recipes to choose from.  We now need to decide which will beat the competition!