Category Archives: GHS School Blog

*** Collecting Pupils ***

As you are aware the entrance to the new Greenfaulds High School is situated off the A73. We appreciate that pedestrian access to the school is limited but hope this will dramatically improve with the completion of the second phase scheduled for August.

Whilst it is convenient for some parents to pick up and drop off pupils in the vicinity of Scott Drive there has been a number of safety concerns raised due to the high volume of pupils and traffic in this area.

We would encourage and appreciate if parents could use the A73 access as the segregated bus bays and drop off points provide a safe and controlled environment particularly at the start and end of the day.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Primary 7 Open Evening

An Open Evening for pupils currently in P7 (and their families) will be held in Greenfaulds High School at 7.00pm on the evening of Thursday 17th November.

This is an informal event and there is no need to inform the school in advance that you are coming. Pupils and their parents will “follow a timetable” which will allow you to see around the school and meet teachers and pupils. You will find out about the curriculum and about the many other activities on offer to pupils.

Car parking will be available but the school is likely to be very busy on the evening so you are advised to come early.

I look forward to seeing you on the 17th November but please do not hesitate to contact me in advance if you have specific queries or requirements.

Eileen McLoughlin, DHT S1



School News

28 October 2016


Parents of P7 pupils are invited to an Open Evening for P7 Pupils and Parents on Thursday 17 Nov at 7pm for a ‘walk round’ of the school where they will ‘follow a timetable’. All prospective parents and pupils for next year’s First Year are invited to attend on that evening.


Pupils can attend homework club on a Monday after school from 3.45pm to 4.30pm.

Supported Study has also started for our S4 – S6 pupils.

Higher – Monday 3.45pm to 4.30pm.

National 5 – Tuesday after school.


If you are interested in programming, a Code Club is running on Fridays at lunchtime.

We will be using Scratch, Kodu and AppInventor. Please bring a packed lunch. Passes are available from Miss Buchanan. Places are limited.


Geography Club is in F044 with Miss Morrow on Tuesday lunchtimes. Eat your lunch in the canteen before the club. New members very welcome.


The Morning Club has restarted. All are invited to pick up some brekkie, finish off any homework and get ready for the day ahead. Club will be on daily from 8.30am. See you there 🙂


A lunchtime Drama club is on every Wednesday. Please bring a packed lunch with you. Don’t forget to collect your drama pass. See you there Miss Hall


S1 Cross Stitch Club on Thursdays at lunch time to make pictures using cross stitch.

F Duffy


As usual Greenfaulds will be offering a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. Trials for a range of football teams are scheduled to take place in the near future. Pupils interested in taking part should contact the member of staff responsible for their team.

With many practical, recreational and educational clubs due to start soon there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs starting in the school daysheet.

*** New School: Important Info for Parents***

We are pleased to announce the new Greenfaulds High School will be open to staff and pupils on the 29th of September. To facilitate the move to the new school there will be a three day exceptional school closure on the following dates as approved by the Scottish Government;

  • Thursday 22nd September
  • Tuesday 27th September
  • Wednesday 28th September

***Please note these exceptional closure days are on either side of the September Weekend holiday, Friday 23rd & Monday 26th of September. A letter of confirmation will be distributed via school bag mail in the next day.

There will be an opportunity for ex pupils, staff and friends of the school to visit the ‘old’ Greenfaulds High School on the evening of September the 14th. Details to follow.

*** Latest UCAS Info

Key dates for the UCAS application process

  • UCAS application is now live for 2017 (
  • Parents meeting 6th September 2016 (pupils welcome to attend)
  • UKCAT testing begins 1/7/16: closing date 5/10/16
  • Closing date for applications to Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Studies, Oxford and Cambridge: 15/10/16. Please check online for Conservatoire closing date details.
  • First Draft of Personal Statement complete: 10/10/16
  • School closing date for applications: 12/12/16

Click here for a guide to the UCAS application.

Click here to access the UCAS widget.