Amazing Animals, Brilliant Science

A number of Miss Armstrong’s  S1-3 Art & Design pupils took part in an Amazing Animals Brilliant Science competition run by ARC trust in Scotland last year.

Two of the pupils Amy O’Keefe and Kyle Diack  were finalists in the S1-S3 art category of the ARC Trust Amazing Animals Brilliant Science competition in October at Edinburgh Zoo. Amy was 1st place and Kyle 3rd. Their art work has just been featured on the cover of a new book created by zoologist Dr Pete Minting of ARC (foreword by ARC patron Chris Packham) along with artwork by another of our pupils Ava Duffy. The book is about DNA technology – aimed at a teenage audience – and how scientists are using new techniques to study Scottish wildlife, such as the badger and golden eagle. This was the result of the Amphibian and Reptile Trust’s Great Crested Newt Detectives project in Scotland and the book features artwork and creative writing by school children in Scotland.

Amy O’Keefe drew the golden eagle featured on the front cover, Ava Duffy drew and painted the badger, and on the reverse of the cover there is Kyle Diack’s common frog (mixed media piece)

If anyone is interested in DNA technology and wildlife then this book can be downloaded for free as a pdf from the ARC Trust website. Click on link below.