Careers Conference Wed 22nd February

Career Conference Wednesday 22nd February 6.00-9.00.

Drop In Event for all Year Groups & Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian

We are once again holding our extremely successful biennial Careers Conference this year. Present will be over 40 representatives from Employers, Apprenticeship providers, Training Agencies, Colleges, Universities as well as representatives from Skills Development Scotland, the Armed Forces and SAAS

This is a “drop in” event with no formal structure, for pupils and parents. It allows you to find out what opportunities there are after leaving school along with possible entry requirements. It will also allow you to compare one career pathway against another. This type of information proves very valuable when it comes to making Course Choices, which is something that you and your child will do before there will be another Careers Conference held within the school.

You are warmly invited to attend what parents and pupils have told us on previous occasions to be a very interesting and valuable evening.
