Remembering Health Week

We took part in lots of activities for Health Week. Here are some pictures and comments to give you a taster…

Mason –  The smoothie was the best.

Reece – We had to chop up the ingredients and put them in the blender and we remembered to put the lid on before we turned it on.

Max – I liked the name of my smoothie. It was called John Straw.

Maxwel – In the smoothie we had some banana, pineapple, spinach, mango and orange juice.

Evie – In the other smoothie we put strawberries, banana, yoghurt and orange juice.

Charlotte – I didn’t think I would like it because it had spinach in it but I loved it.

William – It was healthy with some bananas and orange juice in it. We could make the smoothie at home.

Kade –We did sports day and we went for a walk up to the swing park.

Andrew – I got two medals on sports day.

Mason – I thought I would like the smoothie and I did like it.




Sports Day

The Primary 3 pupils were in charge of taking photographs  of our sports day. Here are some of them and our comments about the day…

Mason – I loved the hurdles and I loved the running races.

Evie – We had three races and they were the bean bag toss  (shot put), the hurdles and the flat race.

Maxwel – I love when we did the shot put because I got into the finals and then I came first.

Kade – I was excited to get into the final of the running race because I came second.

Andrew – I felt happy when I kept getting into the final.

Emily – I liked the running race. I also the shot put when I came first.

Ruth – I liked the running race because it helps our health and uses some energy.

William – I liked racing because it was fun and exciting.

Archie – So the people got a sticker if they didn’t get a medal.

Rory- I got a sticker and I was meant to be joint but I went for the long jump but only my wrist went over the line but it has to be your feet.

Homework 5

Please see homework checklist 5. Due to the two short weeks, I have issued homework for this week and next week on the same checklist. There is two math’s tasks which have been printed back-back. Please complete them on the correct week to coincide with when we are learning about each concept. Children have just to hand their homework on Friday 1st June.

Many Thanks, Miss Langridge.


p2 Homework checklist_ 5

Gruffalos, Elmers, Caterpillars:

p1 Homework checklist_ 5

Alex the Alien

Something a bit odd happened to P1/2 this week. We were in the middle of brainstorming ideas for our next topic when Mrs Fleck came to our class and told us she spotted something fall from the sky and that she needed our help to investigate and find out what it was. We went outside with Miss Langridge and discovered that an Alien had crash landed in our playground!

Fyfe- Alex the Alien is vsiting our class so that he learn about our planet and  he can go back and tell his teacher at Alien school.

Ellie – We have been learning about the seaside for the Alex the Alien’s homework.

Maxwel – When we were looking at the smartboard Miss Langridge used google earth and that was my idea.

We also did some gardening with the flowers we bought from Mr troup and then wrote some instructions on how to plant a flower!




Static Electricity and Wind Turbines

We have continued to learn about electricity this week. We explored making static electricity using balloons and rubbing them fast to generate enough energy for them to hang onto the wall without sticky tape or blu tac. We also watched a video about how electricity can be made from wind so we made our own wind turbines. The children decided do a wind turbine parade and had great fun parading around the classroom with their wind turbines. We also  discussed how power cuts can affect our lives and what we would miss if we didn’t have electricity. What would you miss if you didn’t have electricity?

Emily – We’ve been looking at static electricity with balloons.

Ellie – We made posters about electricity using the ipads using pic collage.

Matthew – We had to take a picture then we went onto to pic collage and you write your name and you write a sentence about how to be careful with wires.

Lewis- We used the static electricity, we rubbed the balloons on our arms, heads and jumpers.

William – We made electricity by making it with balloons.

Fyfe – The balloons stuck to the wall because we made enough electricity to stick to the wall.

Summer – We made the balloons make our hair go up and it was funny.

Reece – We made wind turbines because they make electricity.

Maxwel – When we had made our other posters we made some on paper. When we made the ipad it was the bestest thing than the paper.

Max – I made a big building in the construction area last week at golden time.


Chicks, Badminton and Outdoor Fractions!

Today was such a busy day! First we went to visit the chicks in P2’s class one last time before they go to their new home. Then we went to gym to work on our badminton skills, We were focusing on a forearm pass. It was trickier than it looks! After lunch we went outside to explore our knowledge of fractions. P1 looked at splitting shapes and even numbers into halves, while P2 explored finding a half of an odd number for eg. 1/2 of 7 = 3 and 1/2. We hope we get more sunny days to get outdoor learning, it was great!



This week’s homework

All homework was issued on Monday. I am trying to get into the new routine sorry it’s late. In case you have misplaced the homework for this week please see below. Please remember to hand homework in on a Friday in the wallet so that homework can be swapped over and re-issued on Monday.

Homework for the Elemers, Gruffalos and Caterpillars:

p1 Homework checklist _2

Finding a Half Worksheet

Homework for the Paddingtons:

p2 Homework checklist_ 2

Money homework

P1/2 Explore Electricity

Today we have been exploring electricity for our science topic. Last week we read the Lighthouse keepers picnic so we decided to make our own lighthouses. Today we got to wire up our own lights ready to fit them onto the lighthouses. We also had fun making simple circuits using wires with crocodile clips attached to batteries to make a fan go round, to make a light bulb light up and a buzzer sound. We also tried different ways of making things brighter or louder by adding two batteries to the circuit and also explored using a switch to switch them on and off again.

Max – We were making real electricity!

Maxwel – We were decorating the lighthouses at the messy area.

Rory – It had to be in a circle like a circuit.

Archie – We were making different electricity things to make them work.

Josh – We batteries to put into the things and there was a noise maker and if you put two batteries it made the fan go really fast.

Lewis – We made wee lights to put in our lighthouses and had to use screw drivers to wire it up.


New Homework

Good Afternoon,

I hope you all had a great Easter holiday. It has been lovely hearing all the exciting holiday stories today. I can’t believe we are already in term 4. This is another busy term with lots to get through.

The children have the new homework in their bags. This will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to class every Friday. The homework pack includes a printed version of the choosing grid and on the back is a list of active spelling strategies and suggested websites for you to keep in a safe place at home. This won’t be reprinted as you can access it here:

P1 Homework Grid_ term 4 _Apr-June

P2 Homework Grid term 4_ Apr-June

It is designed to offer more flexibility as to  how many tasks you/your child select each week. the tasks/skills and websites that your child has completed can be recorded on in the space provided on the weekly A5 homework checklist.  The children can also colour in a smiley face once they have completed their school reading book each night. Within the pack is the maths worksheet. Please ensure your child brings their new homework wallet to school on a Friday so that the new weekly checklist can be added and new homework inserted to avoid lots of loose paper getting lost.

Please see below the weekly checklist for week beg: 16th April

If you are in the Caterpillar, Gruffalo or Elmer group then you should use this checklist:

P1 Homework checklist_1

If you are in the paddington group your should use this checklist:

P2 Homework Check List _1


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