Secret Codes in Primary 1!

Today we were using QR codes in Primary 1.  We used the iPads to scan the codes.  Once we had scanned them a picture of a farm animal an the word for the animal came up on the screen.  We could mark our own work using the codes.


Leah-I liked that me and Harrison had shots each.

Kelsey- I liked that Nieve and I didn’t argue and took turns.

A Summery Day

Today we are going on a summer walk.  We think that there will be trees with green leaves.  We might see bees and birds.  We think our skin will feel warm when we go outside because it has been really sunny.  To go outside some of us are wearing shorts, short sleeves and hats.

We will update our post after our walk to let you know how we got on.

Maths – Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

We have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Here is what we know….

Caiden:Counting in twos is just like adding on 2 every time.

Emma: I can count in 5s to 110.  When you count in 5s every number ends in a 5 or a 0.

Jack: Counting in 10s is adding 10 each time.

We went outside to show our learning and drew number lines on the ground.  Have a look at our photos.

Our Learning in Maths

Today we are writing sums. We are using the adding beads. We are trying to get two numbers that add to 10. We are also finding switcher sums.
A switcher sum is like this:
4+6=10 and the switcher is 6+4=10.
by Callum

We have been making sets of…
I have made 3 sets of 4 to make 12.
and I have made 3 sets of 1 to make 3
by Erin
I learned how to make sums that add to 10. I know that 1+9=10 and the switcher for it is 9+1=10
by Amy

Traffic Survey

We have been learning all about traffic and road safety.  We went to see different vehicles like cars or motorbikes on the roads around our school.  We did a survey on Pentland Road and then we did a survey on Lindsaybeg Road.  We wanted to find out which road was busier and which was quieter.

We saw buses, vans, lorries and cars on Lindsaybeg Road.  On Pentland Road we only saw cars and vans.  We saw people walking along the pavement beside both roads.  Lindsaybeg Road was the busier of the two as it is a main road.  Pentland Road has more houses and it is quieter.

We made a graph to show the traffic we saw on Pentland Road.  Here is the weblink if you want to see it. on Pentland Road

Measuring in Maths Week

We have been learning all about measure this week in Maths week.

We have investigated how tall and long things are and also how short things are.  We have used lots of different things to measure with such as cubes, paperclips and our footsteps.

We have used the pan balance to measure weight and we have become very good at telling which item is heavier and which is lighter.

we have had lots of fun measuring volume using both sand and water.  w elearned that it is not always the tallest container that has the biggest volumes.

Look at our photos to see our fun during maths week.

Fruit Kebabs

Today we made fruit kebabs.  The fruits we used were grapes, strawberries, pineapple, melon and bananas.

Before we made them we learned what to do before you cook.  Jennie remembers that before you cook you must wash your hands and put an apron on.

We put the fruit on the wooden sticks.  We tried to use lots of different kinds of fruit so they were nice and colourful.

We tasted the kebabs after playtime.  Here are some of our comments:

Niamh – The kebabs were juicy.

Caiden – The kebabs were nice.

Rhys – I thought the kebab was juicy.

Jack – They were very juicy.

Amy – They were sweet

Tasting fruits from faraway lands.

Today we tasted oranges, bananas, mango, pineapple and kiwi.  To find out where they came from we looked at the tags on the fruit then we lookad at a world map to see where each country is.  Oranges came from Spain.  The mangoes, bananas and the pineapple came from South America.  The kiwis came from New Zealand.  The fruits get to our country on an aeroplane.

We enjoyed eating the fruits.  Here are some of the words we used to describe how they tasted:soft, sweet, nice, juicy, lovely.

We had lots of clean bowls today and no fruit left over!

Primary 1 Summer term 2014

Welcome back to a new term in Primary 1.

This term we are looking forward to performing our own class assembly to the rest of the school and to our parents and carers.

We are going to be learning two new learn its this term.  Ewan remembers that these are 3 + 1 and 2 + 1.  We hope by the end of the term that we will be able to do our “Learn Its Challenge” in 20 seconds!

There will be new phonemes and spelling words to learn as well.  Next week’s new phoneme is “oo”.

For our Interdisciplinary topic we are going to be learning about life in the 1960s.  Jason already knows that long ago there were no televisions.  Ewan’s grans didn’t have computers when his mum and dad were little.

We hope to be able to let you know more about our learning week by week this term.

Please keep an eye on our blog for new posts.  We always like to recieve comments from you!


We have been learning all about symmetry.  Here is what we know.

Jennie – To be symmetrical the thing must be the same on one side as it is on the other.

Jason – If something is symmetrical there is a line of symmetry.

To practise symmetry we have coloured pictures of butterflies, designed symmetrical kites and made symmetrical patterns with pegs.

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