This week was ‘Maths Week’ so primary 1 a have been very busy doing lots of Maths. Our main focus was learning about different times of the day. We looked at the story ‘Diary of a Wombat’. We acted out things we would do at different times of the day and our partner had to guess if it was mornng, afternoon, evening or night time. We had to sort pictures into the right part of the day, we practised making the days of the week with playdoh, we had to sequence parts of the story and we have been busy doing our calendar every day. We have also been writing about different things we do during the day.
As well as being busy learning all about time we have still been practising writing the number 4 and counting all the way up to 20. We have also been having lots of fun doing printing and building things like towers with different shapes.
What a busy week you’ve had for Maths Week. Well done P1a.