We have been learning about our ‘a’ sound. We have been learning to read and write it. We enjoyed finding letter ‘a’ in the sand. We worked hard to make things that started with ‘a’ with the playdoh. We made a collage using catalogues. We looked for things to cut out that started with ‘a’ or different kinds of ‘a’ letters.
Harrison – We know that we need to follow the caterpillar to write this letter.
Mason – We know that it is one of our small letters.
Amelie – We know that it sits on the line and we start with our pencil in the middle of the line.
We practised and learned it and now we can write it.
What amazing ‘a ‘ work you have been doing. Lucy, I love your formation!! Keep up the good work everyone.
I have enjoyed learning to write my name and draw our letters on the blackboard.
Enjoying learning how to spell letters a and t