Today we had a visit from Mrs Wilkinson the Kodaly music teacher.
We sang songs and played games.
The important words we learned about were
-beat, fast, slow, steady, loud and quiet.
Miss Nisbet and Primary 1a invite you to share in their learning.
Today we had a visit from Mrs Wilkinson the Kodaly music teacher.
We sang songs and played games.
The important words we learned about were
-beat, fast, slow, steady, loud and quiet.
It looks like you are all having so much fun, and you were learning at the same time?
Well done Primary 1.
After witnessing their dancing talents in the playground, I’m sure you could show Mrs Ross, Mrs McLaren, Mrs McRae and Mrs Woodward a thing or too! Dancing to the Gangnam style…. Brilliant! 🙂
Well done Primary 1, you had lots of fun working with Mrs Wilkinson! A lot of learning about the beats in music.
Pure cool P1
Will look out for you all on iTunes in a few years.
Looks like you all had great fun with music and dancing!!! I am looking forward to you doing more Kodaly in the future
What a great music lesson! I have worked with Mrs Wilkinson before, she is a fabulous music teacher, I remember how much fun she was!!
Pure asom p1 great work n come and tell me and Kara some dance moves.