Here are the NLC term dates for the upcoming session
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Shorts and Shades Disco
Please remember to bring your slip on the night.
We need to have everyone’s name and that evening’s contact details in the event of an emergency.
Please print off if you need a slip
Link to permission slips for all discos
School Fayre
Our annual school fayre takes place next Saturday. We look forward to seeing you all there ! Opens at 11 am!
Homework for 2nd – 9th June
All children have Maths as a focus for their homework this week.
This consists of work on Sumdog (an online individualised Maths app/website) and an information sharing task about Fractions.
Here is the homework sheet for the children at all stages. Sumdog passwords will be attached to the bottom of each sheet
Homework to go out on 2nd June
Updated June Newsletter
Free school meals and Clothing grants
Here is the link to the North Lanarkshire information page and application forms for Free school meals and clothing grants.
New school newsletter
A copy of the final newsletter is attached
Permission slips for Discos
When attending parent run discos, please make sure you complete a permission slip.
If you don’t complete a slip beforehand, you will need to complete one prior to entry. This is so we have a complete register in event of a fire and a contact number in case of emergency.
Permission slip for disco if lost – Disco permission
The next disco is on 15th June 2017
April/May Newsletter
Copy of this newsletter has been added to the website.
Red Nose Day
Today we are participating in Red Nose Day. Wear £1 to wear something funny or wear red and your money will be donated to Comic Relief. Thanks to all who purchased our red noses. All 200 were sold out in 2 days!
Today’s healthy tuck shop will be red themed.
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