Fairtrade Family Challenge – Competition Time!!

Competition Time!!!!

Watch the video linked here ‘Guardians of the Rainforest’: https://schools.fairtrade.org.uk/resource/guardians-of-the-rainforest/

It follows the life of a boy named Beshey who lives and farms in the Gola Rainforest . If you are in P1-3 you could ask an adult to sit with you and help you take notes.  If you are P4-7 try to take notes on your own whilst watching the video.

What do you see in the Gola Rainforest?

How does Beshey live and farm?

Where does he live?

Your task this week is to create a picture of the rainforest/visualizer from what you have learned from Beshey living in Gola. Try to put in as much detail as you can. You can label your drawing.

We will be looking for the most creative and detailed drawings and visualizers.

This is a competition so do your best!!

Ask an adult to upload your pictures to the blog as a reply to this post. We will judge as a staff and a winner from each stage will be given a certificate and house points.

Have fun!! Remember to use the video to help create your picture/ visualizer.

CLOSNG DATE FOR ENTRIES – Monday 4th May 2020

Please send entries to : rmeimaroglou@chapelgreen.n-lanark.sch.uk

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