Diana Award


Established in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, The Diana Award is the most prestigious accolade a young person aged 9-25 years can receive for their social action or humanitarian work.

The Award is the longest running award for young people that is given to individuals and groups through a retrospective nomination process only. We believe this is special. Young people do not work towards the award, rather they demonstrate their suitability through their actions, without any expectation of reward.

Well Done to Robbie Caldwell, Emma Ewart, Melissa Rodger and Christopher Duncan.


The school hosted its annual end-of-year prize-giving on Tuesday 12th June 2018 in the assembly hall. The event acknowledged and rewarded the pupils from all year groups who have shown a distinction in academic subject areas; displayed commendable endeavour in their school work; or displayed a passion for personal reading; an excellence in sport; a dedication to volunteering or being a member of the school/house captaincy team. A platform party of distinguished guests were on hand to assist the prize-giving committee with the presentation of awards: the Rev Derek Pope opened the event with his introductory remarks, whilst staff retirees Mr Paterson and Mrs Keatings, Mr McGhee (Continuous Improvement Officer for North Lanarkshire Council), and Ms. McMurrich ( North Lanarkshire Council’s Head of Education – South). John Beaton (FIFA and SPFL Referee) gave his remarks as principal guest and offered the audience an honest and funny account of his time as a pupil at Braidhurst and his career path as a highly successful referee.  The evening was also supported with a terrific programme of musical numbers including the concert band, saxophone ensemble and our Scottish pipers and drummers.