School Improvement

For 2024/25, our school improvement plan priorities are:

Improvement Plan Summary 
Cluster Priority 1:  By the end of session 2025 All schools will have implemented the new NLC Attendance Policy and almost all schools will have increased the attendance of the pupils sitting in the 60-80% bracket thus improving pupil attendance overall. 
Cluster Priority 2:  By the end of session 2024/25, all school staff will have an increased knowledge of their corporate parenting responsibilities and almost all schools will have achieved the national Keeping the Promise Award (We Promise level) having a positive impact on GIRFEC Planning. 
School Priority 1:  By May 2025, improve attainment in writing for all learners, by developing a shared understanding of standards and highly effective learning and teaching approaches. 
School Priority 2:  By May 2025, improve attainment in Numeracy for all learners by developing a shared understanding of standards and implementing a consistent approach to teaching numeracy with a focus on mental agility. 
Nursery Class Priority:  To develop staff capacity to provide high-quality, inclusive learning experiences, strengthening parental involvement at the pre-school stage, impacting on attendance and engagement. 

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