Category Archives: Uncategorised

Future X visit

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Primary 1 and Primary 1a had a great time in the hall today. We had a visitor from Future X that played lots of games with us. Our favourite was the game with the bibs. We think it was called tail chase. We were very good at this game and lots of us were winners! We really hope our visitor comes again because we he was great and we had fun.

Nursery Red Group Learning Day

The red group presented their learning day to their parents and grandparents today.  They showed them what they have been learning about this month  They have been learning all about their favourite movies so showed their families the models, pictures and writing that they have been doing about this.

Clyde in the Classroom

Primary 6 had a great visit to the Science Centre last Wednesday.  We were finding out how to care for the fish eggs that will be joining our class soon.

This week we have been practising maintaining the temperature of the water for the eggs.  This has not been easy!

Thank goodness for Mr Thomson, who has made us an amazing tinfoil lid.  This has solved our heating problems!  We are now ready for the challenge ahead.

P2 Guest Writers – Calum, Kyle Masterson, Tiala and Sophie Watson

This week in class we have been:

  • sharing the types of pets we have or would want
  • making and counting sets in maths
  • writing invitations to our Burns party
  • celebrating Robert Burns by listening to bagpipes and Scottish music.

We think our blog is good because we are putting more things on it and it is nice to see what other classes are doing.

Thank you for your comments on our blog posts!

Primary 3/4 news

Hello Everyone!

Primary 3/4 have settled very well into term 3 and are working hard!

We are currently rehearsing for our class assembly which will take place on Friday 5th February. We hope to see you there.

The children are also working hard to recite ‘The Sair Finger’ for the upcoming Burns’ competition. So far, they are doing a super job! Good luck boys and girls!

Speak soon!

Mrs. Emslie and Primary 3/4


P2 Guest Writers – Alisha, Eva, Kyle McCormack and Rory

This week in class we have  –

  • been building towers and sets of cubes for maths.
  • been learning about Robert Burn’s and writing facts about him – he had 12 children!
  • practising our gymnastics by doing rolls, balances and partner balances
  • had a first look at our new topic Pets and Rory wrote this little song.

Pets Needs

Pets need water

Pets need a vet

Pets need food

Pets need care

Pets need a home

Pets need exercise

Pets are fun!

By Rory

First time using our blog!

This is Primary 2’s comment:

“We have just started doing gymnastics in gym, and we are doing reading, maths and lots more. We want to put pictures of our best work on our blog and clips of us doing our work.

We are the cool school and Balmalloch is the best!”