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Flight Topic

Our topic this term is flight. We learned that kites were some of the first flying objects. They were created around 400BC. We designed our own kites. We had to use our knowledge of air resistence to help us create the prefect kite. Here are some pictures of our kites and our experiement trying to fly them.

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Primary 5 have been talking about the French words we already know. Some of us learned some new words last year. Here are some words and phrases we remember:


Andrew- Bonjour means Hello.

Libby- Salut means Hi.

Melissa- You say Salut to your friend.

Oryn- la beurre means butter.

Ava- I know one to ten in French.

Adam- Bonjour la class is something the teacher says.

Steven- Oui means yes and numbers 5.

Hannah- Bof means bad.

Hannah- huit is eight.

Lewis- Merci means thank you.

Lewis- Bonjour Madame Lieshamn. We said that to the teacher.

Fraser- Fraise is French for strawberry.

Special Visitor

On Tuesday a special visitor came to speak to the children. Jim Motherwell was formerly the Queen’s piper. He told the children what this job was like and all about the famous people he had met. He played his bagpipes for us which were wonderful.
