Category Archives: Uncategorised

Harvest Assembly

Primary 2 are working so hard to perfect their assembly lines and songs. We have one last rehearsal tomorrow before our assembly on Friday. Wish us luck!

Thank you very much for all the harvest donations we have received so far, we look forward to donating them to the food bank on Friday.


Primary 1 and Primary 1a update


The boys and girls in primary 1 and 1a have been very busy. Here is some things they have been up to;

Lots of fun activities to help with learning sounds and starting to blend sounds to make words.

Working on counting and number formation in a variety of ways as well as work on pattern.

We have changed the home corner in the playroom into a pizza parlour and the construction area is now based around castles as a result of children’s interests.  The children are really enjoying the range of activities in each of the areas available in the playroom related to these topics.

In gym, we have been working on travelling in different ways, throwing and catching skills and patterns in movement.

Lots of fun in music learning new songs and playing instruments.

We have also been speaking some French in class which the children are learning very well.

Here are some photos to show our learning.


Football Fun!

Primary 5 have had a ball. Three visitors from Clyde Football came to visit the school. They are going to work with us for four weeks.


We are learning about climate change while playing fun games. Our game today was about energy. We worked in pairs and had to switch off the lights. We worked on our dribbling skills and scoring in a target.


Lewis M- “I can’t believe I scored all three goals!”

Ava T-“I never thought football could be fun but it is.”

Lewis C- “I liked it because it was fair.”

Ryan- “I can’t believe I got into the final with Steven.”

Andrew- “I would like to play a proper game of football next time.”

Farren- ” I can’t believe I scored a goal.”

Hannah G- “I liked the game when you switched off the lights.”

Hannah C- “I didn’t think I would be good at football but I was.”

Steven- “I can’t believe I was the only one in my team to survive.”

Adam- “Next time I won’t score an own goal.”

Iain- “Next time I am going to try and get the ball quicker.”


Our Open Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who attended our open afternoon. It was so good to have our family and friends in our class sharing our learning and activities. For those who were not able to come visit us then we want to share our afternoon with you on here.

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