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P2/3 had a fantastic time at their Halloween party today.  They all looked amazing.  Many thanks to all the parents who sent in snacks for us to share.

October SHANARRI Superstars in nursery!


Sid and SHANARRI have been helping the children to learn so many new skills this month. What till you see what we have all been doing!!!


Kayden comes into nursery so happily. She knows she is safe there.

Abbie read a road safety book with her mum

Connor visited A and E to be kept safe. He got a Doc McStuffin certificate for being so brave.


Layla ate all her breakfast by herself!

Charlie tried some tomatoes for the first time.

Kristen was at the children’s hospital and found out she is not allergic to nuts or grass.

Ruby brushed her teeth with her new Paw Patrol toothbrush.

Daniel has been trying and tasting new and healthy foods.

Rose ate all her healthy breakfast of yogurt.

Rose went into the steam to help her cold.


Ruby is now swimming in the big pool at her swimming lessons.

Ruby helped her daddy paint the fence.

Darren helped Aunt Fiona walk Ollie the dog.

Rebecca went for a walk in the woods.

Maisie visited the Wallace Monument and climbed all 246 stairs to the very top!

Rebecca went for a walk in the Colzium with her cousin Finlay. They found a spotty, red mushroom!

Isla has been working really hard at her swimming lessons.


Orla is a loving and caring girl.

Lauren picked leaves and made a lovely autumn picture for her folder.

Kieran has been using lots of nice words when speaking to other people.

Matthew has been a super helper during his little brother’s nappy change.

Kieran has been playing so well with his big brother.


Andrew put his shoes on by himself.

Reia put her dummy in the bin and slept all night without it!

Xander put his own shoes on in nursery.

Austin can get himself dressed.

Matthew dresses himself every morning and night now.

Archie listened well to his swimming teacher and kicked his legs face down.

Rose slept in her own bed all night.

Daniel is using gentle hands and good sharing with his friends and his little brother.

Archie can do up the buttons on his polo shirt.

Alaina sleeps in her bed now without a dummy.

Alexander chose a sweetie and gave the café lady the money all by himself.

Kayden has been coming into nursery full of lovely smiles.

Abbie can count all the way up to 30!

Alexander can write his own name.

Jessica tidied her room and made her own bed.

Neve can dress herself and knows her left from her right!

Kayden is learning well at swimming lessons, conquering her fear of jumping in.

Lucy has been sleeping in her own bed all night.

Lauren stayed in her own bed all night.

Kayden finished all her lunch and helped Auntie Janie with the housework!


Lauren has moved into her new ‘big girl’ bedroom and stayed in bed all night!

Rebecca helped Grandma, Grandpa and her cousin Finlay to make macaroni for tea. Everyone said it tasted great!


Alexander helps his mum and makes her smile everyday.

Jessica ate up all her dinner and tidied her room.

Eilidh went to bed and went straight to sleep. She stayed in her bed all night.

Matthew was very responsible on a weekend away in Ayr, even though he wasn’t feeling very well!

Kieran followed all his breakfast routine very well indeed.

Kayden has been looking after her sister Robyn and playing nicely.

Alaina helped her mummy to change all the bedsheets and make all the beds!


Rose met Amelia and Charlie at the Burngreen Park and they all had lots of fun playing together.


Primary 2/3’s First Ever Blog

Welcome back! We are looking forward to an action packed 2nd term. The excitement for our Halloween Party on Friday is rising as the children all look forward to dressing up and parading around to the hall to enjoy party games and dancing. Then back to the class to dook for apples. I’ll hopefully be posting photographs from the party to let you see all the fun we had.

Primary 5/4 First Blog Post!


Hello and welcome to P5/4’s first blog post this year! We have really enjoyed our first term doing lots of learning about Fairtrade, new novels, Global Citizenship, artists and Maths. We are particularly proud of all of the learning we did about Fairtrade, and this term we will be running our own tuck shop to show you how much we care!

Here are some pictures of us researching and promoting Fairtrade, look out for pictures of our tuck shop when it starts next Friday!

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