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Children In Need

Primary 5 have been having a great day today! We have been completing the Lord Sugar challenge. Some of us thought he was a sugar farmer! Then we remembered he was on the Apprentice.


We worked in groups to make our own business. It could be anything we like. We had candy shops, music shops, sports shops, car shops and electronic shops.


Some of us were really good at presenting our product to the class. Here are pictures of our concepts.

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November SHANARRI superstars !


Wow ! What a busy month the nursery children have had…….so many superstars ! SID and SHANARRI are so proud of all your  acheivements  !


Olivia listened to her Mummy and Daddy at the firework display.

Isla made sure her baby brother was safe, she put all her small toys away.

Oliver crossed the road safely.

Archie listened well to his mum and dad. He enjoyed the fire and the firework at a safe distance.

Daniel stopped, looked and listened when crossing the road.


Kayden has been drinking lots of fluids to keep herself hydrated.

Charlotte  ate chicken and drank water.

Rhea ate all her dinner.

Matthew ate all his spaghetti and meatballs.

Connor got drops in his eyes at the optician.

Rose ate all her steakpie.

Hope slept in her own bed all night.

Rebecca ate all her fruit and vegetables.

Charlie W made soup with his Nana and went on a bike ride with his Mummy.

Ethan tried mashed potato and pizza.

Daniel had tomato soup for the first time.

Amelia went to the opticians and sat very well to get her eyes tested.


Lucy M made her own story book and learned to put on her own shoes.

Zac has been helping his Mummy to make the bed.

Rosie dresses herself.

Charlotte has given up her dummy.

Cooper gets himself ready for nursery.

Neve was great at counting during a game of monopoly.

Lauren went to the cinema for the first time.

Caden can say all the days in the week.

Eilidh can set the table for dinner and she folds all the laundry.

Kieran is working hard to dress and undress himself.

Matthew counted up to 100 !!


Sabio (the dragon) gave SID the monkey a lovely cuddle when he was sad.

Maia shared her special sparkley play dough with her little sister.

Archie knows that cats need to feel loved and cared for. He gently strokes them and makes sure the have food and water.



Rose can ride her bike all by herself.

Rosie was the dancer of the week and she won a trophy.

Mason played “What’s the Time Mr Wolf” at toddlers and he ran really fast.


Sophie is very respectful to everyone in her family. She is always kind, thoughtful and helpful.


Greg was a great page boy at the wedding of his Uncle Chris and Auntie Cheryl

Rebecca got herself dressed, brushed her teeth and even organised her own bag.

Jessica tided her room and made her own bed.

Alex is good at putting her toys away after playing with them.

Xander waited patiently for over 2 Hours while his Mummy was at the dentist.

Darren was very well behaved at a fireworks display with his Dad and John.

Lucas went to the toilet all by himself and then went back to bed.


Mason choose the lunch at his child minders.

Oliver worked as a team with his brother and sister.

Olivia played with her friends at a birthday party.





A Green Group Outing!

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The Morning Green Group from the Nursery Class had a great morning out in Kilsyth. They visited the Burngreen Park and had great fun playing together. Then they visited the Library and enjoyed a lovely story. Then they went to Café Refresh for some hot chocolate. What a great time they had!