Category Archives: Uncategorised

Netball Finals

Well done to the Balmalloch Netball team.  They took part in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Netball Finals on Thursday 16th March.  They all played well and were well deserved runners up.  You were excellent ambassadors once again.

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Pirate Feast!

Today P2/3 had a Pirate feast party! Lot’s of fun was had by everyone. We had to say goodbye to Miss Miller today who has been with us for the last 12 weeks so we will all miss her.

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Lego Club

Holly came to visit P5 and P5/4 today and let us take part in a Lego club. We got to try lots of great challenges in teams. It was a good way for us to work together and problem solve!


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Comparing Scottish and French Schools

Today P5 have been comparing facts about Scottish schools with facts about French schools. We enjoyed making our own venn diagrams.


Here are some of the facts we found out:


Libby- They aren’t allowed to bring a packed lunch box.

Ava T- They have to pay for textbooks.

Melissa- School starts at half 8 until half 4.

Ava B- They might have half days and don’t go to school on a Wednesday.

Hannah G- They start school in September.

Farren- They do the register in the morning the same as us.

Lewis C- They start school at 6 years old.

Oryn- They can wear whatever they want to school.

Fraser- They get a longer lunch than us.

Aaron- They spend more time than us in school.

Freya- They can’t bring packed lunches.

Hannah C- You have to have school dinners or go home.

Primary 5/4 Grow!

As part of our Growing Things topic, we have been taking care of our own plants, and last week we planted our own seeds! We will be monitoring their growth over the next few weeks, keep checking in to see how they are coming along!

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Releasing our fish.

After 6 weeks of looking after our fish eggs they were finally ready to be released into the Garell Burn.  Willie came with us and guided us through the best way to do it. Well done Primary 6, a very successful batch of fish.


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