Author Archives: Mr Paterson

Coming to the end of P4!

On Monday, we celebrated all our achievements with our very own Prize Giving. Boys and girls were rewarded for all their hard work, dedication and being generally awesome for the whole year.

Mrs. Fazzi and I would like to thank the boys and girls in Primary 4 for such a hard working, fabulous and memorable year which we will never forget.

We would also like to thank the boys, girls and their parents for our gifts. We are really grateful for your thoughtful gifts but need to say thank you for your support over a fantastic year. We wish all the boys and girls and their families to have a wonderful summer and we can’t wait to see you back here as Primary 5s!

P4 Enterprise Afternoon

Well after weeks of hard work and looking after and caring for our caterpillars, they have been released outside as butterflies. We invited P3/4, P5/4, P5, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McBride to come watch as we released our beautiful butterflies into the wild.

We told everyone what we did for our enterprise, how we looked after and cared for our caterpillars and then butterflies before releasing them. We all loved showing our beautiful butterflies and wriggly worms to the other classes and enjoyed seeing the butterflies fly off in to their new habitats.

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Update on Our Crazy Caterpillars and Wriggly Worms

On Monday we put our caterpillars chrysalises into our butterfly net (habitat). Mr. Paterson put the worms into the wormery. Thank you to Miller’s Fruit Shop for getting us the worms.

They have made tracks in the soil. We didn’t see the worms because it was too light so we covered the wormery with a cloth so it was dark enough for the worms.

P4 Bloggers/Photographers Team

Crazy Caterpillars and Wriggly Worms

We are all looking forward to seeing our caterpillars evolve into butterflies and seeing the worms wriggle about in the amazing wormery Mr.Thompson made for us. We have had an amazing time so far.

P4 Bloggers/Photographers Team

Measuring is fun!

This week Primary 4 have been working hard and learning all about measuring. We have been measuring with rulers and metre sticks. We all got to measure a classmate to see how tall they are and had a go at some measuring games online. We really do love maths in Primary 4!

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Minibeast Outdoors!

As we have had super weather, Primary 4 have been outside working and exploring for Minibeasts. We all enjoyed working outside and we found some slugs, spiders and even a millipede!

We looked at the wonderful Balmalloch Bug Hotel that Mrs. McBride made a couple of years ago and discussed what was good about it and what we might add to attract more minibeasts to our hotel!

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Roman Chariots

Last term our topic was the Romans and Primary 4 loved learning all about the Romans. As we were working really hard we ran out of time to do our design topic so we did it this term. We made Roman Chariots fit for racing in the Circus Maximus!

We used wood to build the T-Bar and carefully sawed the wood and used sandpaper to smooth it out. Next we glued it together. We designed our own body of the chariots, cut them out, stuck them together and then stuck them on to our T-Bar. Our chariots look great and fierce!

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P4 Go back to Roman time!

Recently Primary 4 went on a trip to Motherwell Heritage Centre to learn even more about The Romans. Gillian our helper talked to us and let us try on togas, roman soldier uniforms and we even got to see real artefacts from Roman Baths and houses. We all had a fantastic time and loved learning all about the Romans.

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