Author Archives: Mr Paterson

K-Nex Competition

Well done to our 2 teams who represented Balmalloch Primary in the K-Nex Challenge at Kilsyth Academy this morning. Both teams did extremely well building a Ferris wheel with the girls coming second overall and the boys coming first. The boys will now go on to the final to represent the cluster group. Well done to all 4 pupils from our class!

Magnetic Magic!

Today in Primary 5/6 we were all scientists and were testing what metals are attracted to magnets. We had some items to test out and found out that copper and iron are attracted to magnets. We had great fun exploring the magnetic force!

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P5 Swimming and Games

This morning, Primary 5 from P5/6 went for swimming and some sports fun from North Lanarkshire Council. We will go for the next 10 weeks, this is what we thought:

Arran – I want to live in the pool as it was that good!

Zak – I am so tired after having so much fun

Emma – I thought it was really really good

Lucy – I thought it was amazing.

Ben – I really enjoyed doing gym and swimming

Calum – I enjoyed the swimming more than gym

Scarlett – I really enjoyed swimming

Libby – I liked playing games with Rebecca

Rebecca – I can’t wait for next week!

Abigail – I am really excited to do my widths next week

Kirsten – I am really excited for next week

Kaiden – Swimming was fun.

Primary 5/6 Art

This afternoon Primary 5/6 made their own Personal Shields showing 4 important parts of their lives or what they enjoy doing through mosaic art. We hope to show them off to the school and parents by having them hanging up high!

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Welcome to P5/6!

It was great to welcome back all boys and girls in Primary 5/6 after a well deserved summer holiday. We had great fun settling in to our new classroom and doing activities today so we could learn more about our new classmates.

We made group signs for our group tables and we are all going to work hard to win the Group of the Week award. We set 2 group targets to aim for and work hard towards so that we have an enjoyable and hard working time in Primary 5/6.

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