Primary 6 have been working co-operatively to research and produce posters on each of Henry VIII’s wives. Can’t wait to see the finished product, lots of good work going on.
Author Archives: Mrs Grant
Primary 6
Primary 6 are being brilliant buddies to our new Primary 1s. They have also made a super start to their literacy work. Keep it up. Continue reading
Primary 6
Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead with Primary 6. It’s going to be a great year.👍
Clyde in the Classroom
Primary 6 had a great visit to the Science Centre last Wednesday. We were finding out how to care for the fish eggs that will be joining our class soon.
This week we have been practising maintaining the temperature of the water for the eggs. This has not been easy!
Thank goodness for Mr Thomson, who has made us an amazing tinfoil lid. This has solved our heating problems! We are now ready for the challenge ahead.
Could all P6 pupils please click on this link and answer the short questions. Answer honestly! Thanks
Welcome back P6!
Looking forward to an exciting term with P6 in 2016. Lots of interesting tasks ahead. Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas holiday.