Author Archives: Mrs Grant


P7/6 gave a fantastic performance on Wednesday 7th March at Motherwell Concert Hall.  We composed our own lyrics and melody to create our Lighthouse song.  Our talented musicians also played a variety of instruments.  You can hear all the songs on Spotify, search for Incredible Structures and you should find it.  Well done P7/6.

People who help us.

Primary 1 have been learning about people who help us in recent weeks.  A huge thank you to Mrs Stewart who came to talk to the children about working in a hospital.  We love having parents in to help us with our learning.

P1 Gymnastics

Primary 1 have been having fun working on gymnastics this term.  They are enjoying learning new skills on the wall bars.  The teachers have been very impressed with the children’s attitude to trying new things.

Superhero Tasks

In Primary 1 we are all heroes.  We wanted to learn about superheroes.  We had a lot of fun learning about different powers and looking at science experiments with magnets, water and strength.


We had great fun at the Halloween Party.  (Sorry it took so long to put these pictures up!)