Author Archives: Mrs Emslie

Lots of new learning and fun in P1

Primary 1 and primary 1a have been very busy enjoying their new ‘Creation Station.’ The idea behind the creation station was to allow the children to be creative in their own way and to see what they came up with! It has been great seeing all their fantastic designs. In the Creation Station we have;

  • sand and water
  • playdough
  • construction materials with sheets for children to plan, draw and write about what they want to build
  • story area with puppets, sound feely bags and story sequencing etc
  • Maths area with 3d shape and symmetry activities etc
  • lovely, calm area where children can ‘drink tea’ and have a chat
  • creation area with cardboard boxes and various art resources where children have free choice of what to make. They love it here!

In class the children have been working hard on reading their new books, learning new sounds and common words. On Tuesdays they are busy writing about different things, aiming to be star writers!

They have also been working hard on addition and subtraction, symmetry and working with money.

Children have enjoyed our mini Scotland topic and we were delighted at how well the children learned the Scottish poem.

There are lots of photos to look at and apologies for not blogging for a while!

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Primary 1 and Primary 1a update


The boys and girls in primary 1 and 1a have been very busy. Here is some things they have been up to;

Lots of fun activities to help with learning sounds and starting to blend sounds to make words.

Working on counting and number formation in a variety of ways as well as work on pattern.

We have changed the home corner in the playroom into a pizza parlour and the construction area is now based around castles as a result of children’s interests.  The children are really enjoying the range of activities in each of the areas available in the playroom related to these topics.

In gym, we have been working on travelling in different ways, throwing and catching skills and patterns in movement.

Lots of fun in music learning new songs and playing instruments.

We have also been speaking some French in class which the children are learning very well.

Here are some photos to show our learning.


A few words from Primary 3/4

We can’t believe we are nearly at the end of the school year. We have been reflecting on our year in primary 3/4..

What a year it has been and I have loved every minute of it! 🙂

Please see what the boys and girls of primary 3/4 have to say in the ‘replies…’

Primary 3/4 news

Hello Everyone!

Primary 3/4 have settled very well into term 3 and are working hard!

We are currently rehearsing for our class assembly which will take place on Friday 5th February. We hope to see you there.

The children are also working hard to recite ‘The Sair Finger’ for the upcoming Burns’ competition. So far, they are doing a super job! Good luck boys and girls!

Speak soon!

Mrs. Emslie and Primary 3/4