Author Archives: Mrs Davidson

P2/3’s Pirate Assembly

P2/3’s Pirate Ship’s

P2/3 had great fun designing and creating their own Pirate ships.

This morning Bobby and Lucy had returned from the North Pole after telling Santa about what good boys and girls we all are in Primary 2/3 . They had been getting themselves into lots of mischief in the classroom,taking selfies and left us lots of funny things for us to wear to look a bit elfie!

Our Autumn Walk

We’ve been outdoors looking at all the beautiful colours of Autumn.

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Then busy at work in the classroom writing a recount on our Autumn Walk and then creating our own Autumn trees using paint and tissue paper.

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P2/3 had a fantastic time at their Halloween party today.  They all looked amazing.  Many thanks to all the parents who sent in snacks for us to share.

Primary 2/3’s First Ever Blog

Welcome back! We are looking forward to an action packed 2nd term. The excitement for our Halloween Party on Friday is rising as the children all look forward to dressing up and parading around to the hall to enjoy party games and dancing. Then back to the class to dook for apples. I’ll hopefully be posting photographs from the party to let you see all the fun we had.