Author Archives: Mrs Davidson

P2/3 Woodland Fairy Walk

We went to Palacerigg Country park on a woodland adventure which was organised by pupils from local high schools. We had great fun helping to find Fiona the fairy, who had gone missing. We listened to lots of clues and stories about fairies and then set of on our adventure to find her. The woods had been decorated with pretty banners and twinkly fairy lights and beautiful music was playing in the background.

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Welcome back P2/3

Welcome back to school everyone and I am delighted to say Primary 2/3 settled in well on their first day.

Today we had great fun on our Summer Holiday Scavenger Hunt, it was exciting making new friends and learning about each others holidays.

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Well done everyone!

P2/3’s Secret Garden Cafe

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P2/3 decided they would like to open a café on open afternoon for their Enterprise.  We decided to set our café up in the courtyard and had to all help tidy the garden and get it ready for the opening.

We all had to apply for the different jobs that we felt we would be best at so some of us were in the baking team, waiter team, sales and marketing team and then we needed an accountant.

On the day, it was a huge success, better than we could have hoped for! So many parent’s helped by sending in cakes and we had a fantastic selection. The sun shone and we had a fantastic turnout of parent’s at the open afternoon.

Thank you to everyone who came and supported “The Secret Garden Café”. We made £155 profit so we now need to decide what to spend it on, we’ve lot’s of ideas and will keep you posted.

Many thanks again!

P2/3’s Daily Run

P2/3 are trying to improve our fitness by running around the playground. At the moment we are running

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3 and a half minutes but we are hoping we can make it to 5 minutes. We are  wanting to get extra fit for sports day coming up very soon.

By Stephen James Nixon

Photographs: Faye Hardie

P2/3’s Spring Bunnies

P2/3 had lots of fun painting their bunnies. We mixed the colours we had with white, creating all new colours we didn’t have. We had fun creating our candy striped backrounds .We spent a lot of time drawing our bunnies and creating them.

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by Stephen, Zac, Emma, Eilidh and Faye

Pirate Feast!

Today P2/3 had a Pirate feast party! Lot’s of fun was had by everyone. We had to say goodbye to Miss Miller today who has been with us for the last 12 weeks so we will all miss her.

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