Author Archives: Miss Peattie

Scotland Topic

We are going to start our new mini topic about Scotland. Here is what we know so far.

Aaron C- Scotland has houses.

Zack- The Scottish flag is white and blue.

Riley- Scotland has toys.

Ross- Scotland has many things.

Aaron M- Scotland is a country.

Jaeden- Scotland has people in it.

Arran- Scotland has food.

Jack- Scotland has schools.

Amy- Some people live in different countries.

Grace- Scotland has houses that you can live in.

Skye- Scotland is in earth.

Lucie- We live in Scotland.

Money Topic

This week we are starting to look at a new topic in maths. We will be exploring money. We have been talking about what we know already. This is what we know:

Zack- There are special coins called Euros that you spend in another country.

Amy- You spend money in shops.

Skye- You get more money in cash machines.

Lucie- You use money to buy food to eat.

Aaron C- You can use money in lots of shops.

Mason- You can buy toys at shops.

Ross- I think that George Washington created money.

Kyle- When you get money you can buy anything you like.

Scott- You can buy costumes.

Arran- You can buy a motorbike.

Adam- You can buy lego.

Rebecca- You can get some more money if you go to a bank.

Grace- You can get money in the bank.

Jack- Money is round.

Riley- You can buy clothes.

Jaeden- Your parents have the money to buy the toys.

Ellie- You can sometimes find money that people drop.

Position and Movement

Today Primary 1a were trying to use positional language. We tried to use words like forward, back, under, over and turn to guide our partner around the room. We also got to try out the Beebot game on the IPads. We had lots of fun but it was a bit tricky to guide the Beebot in our game!


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Future X visit

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Primary 1 and Primary 1a had a great time in the hall today. We had a visitor from Future X that played lots of games with us. Our favourite was the game with the bibs. We think it was called tail chase. We were very good at this game and lots of us were winners! We really hope our visitor comes again because we he was great and we had fun.