Author Archives: Miss Peattie

Football Fun!

Primary 5 have had a ball. Three visitors from Clyde Football came to visit the school. They are going to work with us for four weeks.


We are learning about climate change while playing fun games. Our game today was about energy. We worked in pairs and had to switch off the lights. We worked on our dribbling skills and scoring in a target.


Lewis M- “I can’t believe I scored all three goals!”

Ava T-“I never thought football could be fun but it is.”

Lewis C- “I liked it because it was fair.”

Ryan- “I can’t believe I got into the final with Steven.”

Andrew- “I would like to play a proper game of football next time.”

Farren- ” I can’t believe I scored a goal.”

Hannah G- “I liked the game when you switched off the lights.”

Hannah C- “I didn’t think I would be good at football but I was.”

Steven- “I can’t believe I was the only one in my team to survive.”

Adam- “Next time I won’t score an own goal.”

Iain- “Next time I am going to try and get the ball quicker.”


Flight Topic

Our topic this term is flight. We learned that kites were some of the first flying objects. They were created around 400BC. We designed our own kites. We had to use our knowledge of air resistence to help us create the prefect kite. Here are some pictures of our kites and our experiement trying to fly them.

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Primary 5 have been talking about the French words we already know. Some of us learned some new words last year. Here are some words and phrases we remember:


Andrew- Bonjour means Hello.

Libby- Salut means Hi.

Melissa- You say Salut to your friend.

Oryn- la beurre means butter.

Ava- I know one to ten in French.

Adam- Bonjour la class is something the teacher says.

Steven- Oui means yes and numbers 5.

Hannah- Bof means bad.

Hannah- huit is eight.

Lewis- Merci means thank you.

Lewis- Bonjour Madame Lieshamn. We said that to the teacher.

Fraser- Fraise is French for strawberry.

Swimming and Sports



Today Primary 5 had our first session of swimming lessons and sports training. We did this with the P5’s from Primary 5/4 too. We were split in to two groups and we spent time at the swimming pool and Garrell Vale sports hall.


Lewis- “I learned how to do a back stroke.”

Adam- “I learned how to co-operate with a partner.”

Ava- “I learned how to do a dolphin kick.”

Kenzie- ” I liked working with my partner in the hall.”

Steven- “It was funny that the swimming teacher had the same name as me.”

Andrew- ” Next time, I would like to play some ball games.”

Farren- “I got told I will be moving to lengths.”

Freya- “I like swimming because it’s fun!”

Christopher- “I learned how to do a routine.”

Robbie- “I liked the playtime in the pool.”

Callum- “I liked doing dolphin kicks in the water.”

Our First Week in P5

We have settled in well. We have learned a lot. We have had fun. We have got right into the work. The teacher is nice and we love her. We have learned a lot together. We are helping people. We tried to build a bridge in groups. Here are some of the pictures we took during the process.

Primary 1a’s Amazing Afternoon

Today we had some very exciting visitors. They performed a show for us. It was called ‘A Twist in Time’. Here are some of our reviews:


Scott: I liked all of the people going into the future.


Ross: I liked it when Tom saw Hattie again.


Zack: I liked it when everyone was running.


Skye: I liked the flying kite songs.


Rebecca: I liked the it when the dad said stop shouting but he was shouting.


Amy: I liked it when the little girl came out.


Grace: I liked all of it but my favourite bit was when Hattie and Tom were in the garden.


Kyle: I liked it when Hattie went away.


Cara: I liked it when the dog came out.


Arran: I liked the end of the story.


Lilly: I liked the start of it because the boy had to sit with us when he didn’t listen.


Adam: I thought it was funny when the dog bit the man.


Aaron C: I liked it when it looked all icy.


Ellie: I liked it when they were chasing each other around.


Riley: I liked all of it.


Jaeden: I liked the dog.


Jack: I liked them running around.

Budding Artist

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We have created lots of art work over the last few weeks. We have made kilts and learned about family tartans. Some boys in our class have worn a kilt at a wedding!

We made Loch Ness monsters. It was tricky to cut up all the paper but they look really good now!

We have made some Easter eggs. We loved adding our little chicks to our eggs. We tried our best to make them bright and colourful.


Thank you you for reading our post,

Primary 1a