P5 were given a challenge to create a bridge that could hold three cars. Here are some pictures of the building process and the final results!
Author Archives: Miss Peattie
First Day in Primary 5
Our first day in Primary 4/5
Ceiling Art
On Friday we were looking at the artist Michelangelo. He used to paint on the ceiling using a scaffold. He painted lots of famous things. We tried to sketch different animals and it was very hard!
Our thoughts on our school trip…
Here are some things we found out and our opinions:
- I liked that I got called ‘King Heed the Baw’
- I enjoyed wearing the jester collars.
- I learned how to juggle.
- I liked the plate spinning.
- It was expensive and I enjoyed the diabolos.
- John the Jester taught us a lot.
- I liked being Bob number 2 and leading the line.
- I liked when the jester shouted during his story and gave me a fright.
- I liked dancing while we walked around.
- I learned new stories.
- I liked the story about the king throwing someone out a window.
- I liked the devil sticks.
- I liked the queen’s bedroom.
- I liked looking down at Stirling when looking high.
- I liked being Bob number 1.
- I learned how to plate spin.
- I liked being called the compass because I knew the points.
- We could see Wallace monument.
- I liked it when the Jester out his hand on my shoulder during his story to give me a fright.
- I liked being called a genius.
- I liked playing the piano in one of the rooms.
Stirling Castle Trip
Lego Club
Holly came to visit P5 and P5/4 today and let us take part in a Lego club. We got to try lots of great challenges in teams. It was a good way for us to work together and problem solve!
Comparing Scottish and French Schools
Today P5 have been comparing facts about Scottish schools with facts about French schools. We enjoyed making our own venn diagrams.
Here are some of the facts we found out:
Libby- They aren’t allowed to bring a packed lunch box.
Ava T- They have to pay for textbooks.
Melissa- School starts at half 8 until half 4.
Ava B- They might have half days and don’t go to school on a Wednesday.
Hannah G- They start school in September.
Farren- They do the register in the morning the same as us.
Lewis C- They start school at 6 years old.
Oryn- They can wear whatever they want to school.
Fraser- They get a longer lunch than us.
Aaron- They spend more time than us in school.
Freya- They can’t bring packed lunches.
Hannah C- You have to have school dinners or go home.